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5549 results found
Health topics
… like those used in acupuncture . Experts don't agree on how well EFT works. And it shouldn't replace going to see a … like those used in acupuncture . Experts don't agree on how well EFT works. And it shouldn't replace going to see a …
Health topics
… can reduce sound by up to 30 decibels (dB) when you wear well-fitted hearing protectors. They are most effective at … can reduce sound by up to 30 decibels (dB) when you wear well-fitted hearing protectors. They are most effective at …
Health topics
… This can be a time for solving personal problems as well as family issues. It usually is helpful for members to … This can be a time for solving personal problems as well as family issues. It usually is helpful for members to …
Health topics
… below the umbilical cord stump. If folding does not work well, before you put the diaper on your baby, cut out a … below the umbilical cord stump. If folding does not work well, before you put the diaper on your baby, cut out a …
Health topics
… money. Language development Most children by age 8: Have well-developed speech and use correct grammar most of the … money. Language development Most children by age 8: Have well-developed speech and use correct grammar most of the …
Medical tests
… CRP levels and heart attack risk is not understood very well. A high level of CRP may mean a higher-than-normal risk … CRP levels and heart attack risk is not understood very well. A high level of CRP may mean a higher-than-normal risk …
Health topics
… Keep the room warm, about 22 to 27°C (72 to 80°F) Remove jewellery that could scratch your baby Wash your hands Bathe … can use a mild soap or baby shampoo. Lather up and rinse well with clear water Your baby’s scalp is normally mildly …
Health topics
… example, at a green light). Being confused or overwhelmed during driving (for example, being confused by traffic signals). Making bad decisions during driving, or making decisions too slowly. Having … lot. Dents or scrapes on the car. Being angry or frustrated during driving. Not staying in the correct lane (for …
Health topics
… response. Your child has no control over it. Early treatment usually can reverse amblyopia. The younger your child is when treatment starts, the more likely your child is to have good … or glasses most of the day or for just part of each day. Treatment may last for a few weeks or months. Severe cases …
Health topics
… vaginal medicine for a longer amount of time. This first treatment may be followed by up to 6 months of maintenance … oral or vaginal medicines. If symptoms don't improve after treatment, more testing and treatment may be needed. Vaginal Yeast …