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5549 results found
Health topics
… Your options Take medicine for your depression. Try other treatment instead. Key points to remember Some types of … NOT taking antidepressants? When depression is not treated during pregnancy, it can harm both mother and child. If you don't treat your depression: You may not eat well or get enough sleep. You may smoke and drink. You may …
Medical tests
… own. Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking. If you don't, your procedure may be … products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if you … in a clinic or a hospital. When cirrhosis of the liver or a cancer is suspected, the biopsy may be done during a …
Health topics
… number of people with MS have only mild disease and do well without treatment. But many get worse over time. … medicine, such as steroid medicine , to relieve symptoms during attacks or relapses. Try physiotherapy, occupational … 48 out of 100 28 out of 100 Flushing, chest tightness, sweating, heart palpitations, anxiety, and shortness of breath …
Medical tests
… is done to look for changes in the cells of the cervix . During a Pap test, a small sample of cells from the surface … in the cells of the cervix . Finding these changes and treating them when needed will greatly lower your chance of … Cells are collected from the visible part of the cervix as well as from its opening. If you don't have a cervix, cells …
Health topics
… is the only way to remove a cataract. The surgery works well and helps people see better. But surgery may not be … cells, including those in the lens of the eye. Infection during pregnancy, such as rubella or chickenpox . These may … you are in the sun. Avoiding sunlamps and tanning booths. Eating healthy foods. Avoiding the use of steroid medicines …
Health topics
… are a few different symptoms, such as chest discomfort, sweating, feeling anxious, having trouble concentrating, … occur more often. They often don't go away on their own. During these spells, you may feel symptoms such as … This test can show if your heart valves are damaged, how well your heart is pumping, and if you have heart failure or …
Health topics
… damage the vein and cause the area near the clot to ache, swell, and change colour. Blood clots most often form in the … Many doctors recommend that you wear compression stockings during a journey longer than 8 hours. Take breaks when you … Fainting. Rapid pulse or irregular heartbeat. Anxiety or sweating. Call your doctor now if you have DVT symptoms, …
Health topics
… birth. The doctor may also notice the signs of the disease during a routine examination. If your child has a positive … test uses electrodes on the lining of the nose to see how well salts flow into and out of cells. Early detection tests … replace lost nutrients. This may include taking vitamins; eating high-calorie, high-fat foods; drinking nutritional …
Health topics
… in bed at night. Your feet or ankles may change colour or swell. You may have noticed an embarrassing odour from your … nails getting thick and brittle. Some changes are common during pregnancy. For example, your ankles and feet may … more serious. Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, …
Health topics
… What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines … many things can make it more likely. These things include eating too much food that contains saturated fat and having … doesn't cause symptoms in most people. It's usually found during a blood test that measures cholesterol levels. How is …