3189 results found
Medical tests
… Learn the size of an enlarged spleen and look for damage or disease. Find problems with the pancreas, such as a tumour. … things may be due to inflammation, infection, or other diseases. The aorta is enlarged or an aneurysm is seen. The liver looks abnormal. This may point to liver disease (such as cirrhosis or cancer). The walls of the …
HealthLinkBC files
… grow. These bacteria can make you sick with an infection or disease. Legionella bacteria can cause Legionnaires’ disease, which can be fatal. Pseudomonas bacteria can cause … the water is properly disinfected to prevent the spread of disease. It is important to maintain the proper level of …
Health topics
… pain during ovulation. Reduced risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Reduced fibrocystic breast changes. Reduced … the risk of anemia . Reduced risk of pelvic inflammatory disease . Does not contain estrogen , so can be used by … number of sickle cell crises in women who have sickle cell disease . Shot or implant does not require taking a daily …
Health topics
… are less likely to have problems caused by diabetes , heart disease, lung disease, and arthritis . And being active can help protect … and your barriers. When you have more than one chronic disease, there may be some physical limits on what you can …
… much acetaminophen may cause serious (possibly fatal) liver disease. Adults should not take more than 4000 milligrams (4 … (such as asthma, sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD) stomach/intestinal problems (such as blockage, … diarrhea due to infection, paralytic ileus) liver disease kidney disease mental/mood disorders (such as …
… much acetaminophen may cause serious (possibly fatal) liver disease. Adults should not take more than 4000 milligrams (4 … (such as asthma, sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD) gallbladder disease heart problems (such as irregular heartbeat, recent …
… if you are an older adult, if you have kidney or liver disease, dehydration, heart failure, heavy alcohol use, if … risk may be greater in people who have a history of heart disease, blood circulation disease (peripheral vascular disease), nerve problems …
… (such as asthma, sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-COPD) kidney disease liver disease mental/mood disorders (such as confusion, …
… if you are an older adult, if you have kidney or liver disease, dehydration, heart failure, heavy alcohol use, if … risk may be greater in people who have a history of heart disease, blood circulation disease (peripheral vascular disease), nerve problems …
… medication should be used only to treat cancer or severe diseases caused by an overactive immune system (such as … body's ability to fight infections) and stomach/intestinal disease (such as bleeding) when used at the same time as … or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: liver disease kidney disease lung disease (such as pulmonary …