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Health topics
Health topics
… aren't used right before delivery because they can slow the baby's breathing. Side effects The most common side effects … can affect a newborn's breathing. They can also make the baby sleepy and less interested in breastfeeding if they are … aren't used right before delivery because they can slow the baby's breathing. Side effects The most common side effects …
Medical tests
… sperm. The testicles develop in the belly of an unborn male baby. In most cases they move down into the scrotum before … routine physical examination for every teenage boy and man. Baby boys should also have their genitals checked for … testicle . If you cannot feel both testicles in your baby's scrotum, talk to his doctor. A soft bunch of thin …
… Check the labels on all your medicines (such as allergy or cough-and-cold products) because they may contain … Check the labels on all your medicines (such as allergy or cough-and-cold products) because they may contain …
… while using docetaxel. Docetaxel may harm an unborn baby. Your doctor should order a pregnancy test before you … Check the labels on all your medicines (such as allergy or cough-and-cold products) because they may contain … Check the labels on all your medicines (such as allergy or cough-and-cold products) because they may contain …
Health topics
… if the placenta can no longer give enough support to the baby. There are several ways to induce labour, such as using … medicine or breaking the amniotic sac. After you have your baby, you should not have any side effects from the medicine … done after your cervix has started to open (dilate) and the baby's head is firmly descended (engaged) in your pelvis. …
Health topics
… 0.4 mg folic acid. This will lower the chance of having a baby with a birth defect. Keep track of your menstrual … And it can help your doctor or midwife figure out when your baby is due and how it is growing. Make healthy choices. Eat … 0.4 mg folic acid. This will lower the chance of having a baby with a birth defect. Keep track of your menstrual …
Health topics
… radiation used for treating cancer can be dangerous to the baby. Your doctor may talk to you about the risks and … used during pregnancy because it can be harmful to the baby. Diagnostic tests that use radiation may be used during … radiation used for treating cancer can be dangerous to the baby. Your doctor may talk to you about the risks and …
Health topics
… footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to push your baby out, you will have help getting out of the tub. Delivering in water A water birth is the delivery of a baby while in a tub or pool of warm water. More research is … footnote 1 Sometime before you are ready to push your baby out, you will have help getting out of the tub. …
Health topics
… your newborn before an older child. This ensures that your baby is nourished with colostrum . You may want to stop … Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Multiple Infants Breastfeeding: Baby's Poor Weight Gain Current as of: March 1, 2023 … your newborn before an older child. This ensures that your baby is nourished with colostrum . You may want to stop …