4907 results found
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… arm when you are trying to use the hand, press the affected elbow against your body to make your upper arm stable. Then … arm when you are trying to use the hand, press the affected elbow against your body to make your upper arm stable. Then …
Health topics
… nodes often swell in one location when a problem such as an injury, infection, or tumour develops in or near the lymph … as measles, rubella, chickenpox (varicella), or mumps. Mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus), which results in fever, … viral infection that causes symptoms similar to those of mononucleosis. A bacterial illness, such as strep throat …
Health topics
… medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Plantar Fasciitis: Should I Have Surgery for Heel … aren't standing or bearing any weight on your heel. A heel injury that results in pain when you put weight on your … ) in your heel, surgery, or other treatments. Learn more Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Plantar …
Health topics
… Or you may be taking care of a person who has memory problems and can't remember how to bathe. Or you could be … Also, look at the groin area and bony areas, such as the elbows and shoulders. Start by filling two basins with warm … Also, look at the groin area and bony areas, such as the elbows and shoulders. Start by filling two basins with warm …
Health topics
… tender. Glands can also swell and become tender after an injury, such as a cut or bite, or when a tumour or infection … for the body to fight off infection and some diseases. Mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) or cytomegalovirus (CMV) . … cleft cysts are found in the neck. They don't usually cause problems unless they get infected. These cysts are most …
Health topics
… you use your arm muscles when you bend your arm at the elbow. But when you do the same movement with something … muscles slightly but not to the point of serious damage or injury. Step 2: Recovery (rest). When you rest, your body … you use your arm muscles when you bend your arm at the elbow. But when you do the same movement with something …
Health topics
… or sharp objects travelling at any speed can cause serious injury to many parts of the eyeball. Injury may cause … based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or non-binary, choose the sex that matches the body parts (such … you having trouble seeing? This means you are having new problems reading ordinary print or seeing things at a …
Health topics
… from the cold. Finger, Hand, and Wrist Problems, Non-Injury Current as of: September 8, 2022 Author: …
Health topics
… changes in the vitreous gel, PVD can also result from eye injury or inflammation or can happen after eye surgery. What problems can happen when you have PVD? Posterior vitreous … as a normal part of aging usually does not cause any problems. But if the vitreous gel is strongly attached to …
Health topics
… of your thumb or intersection syndrome . Both of these problems affect the same area of the hand and wrist as de … Hand, and Wrist Injuries Finger, Hand, and Wrist Problems, Non-Injury Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Tendon Injury …