6130 results found
Health topics
… If breast cancer spreads, it often goes to the lymph nodes first. Lymph node surgery is done to find out if cancer has … cancer are: Sentinel node biopsy. The doctor removes the first lymph nodes that cancer may have spread to (sentinel … If breast cancer spreads, it often goes to the lymph nodes first. Lymph node surgery is done to find out if cancer has …
Health topics
… room for the permanent incisors. After 2 years, when the first premolars and permanent canines are ready to erupt, … if needed. Often the orthodontist chooses to remove the first premolars. Malocclusion and … room for the permanent incisors. After 2 years, when the first premolars and permanent canines are ready to erupt, …
Health topics
… the most common causes of legal blindness in the world. At first, people with glaucoma may have very mild symptoms. But … glaucoma that may be present at birth or may develop in the first few years life. What causes it? The exact cause of … are born with it. In infantile glaucoma, it develops in the first years. It can happen because the mother had an …
Health features
… (CPR) or other emergency medical procedures provided by first responders or other health care providers if their … order that no CPR be provided by health care providers and first responders. For the form to be valid, it must be … that is visible and signed, you will not be given CPR by first responders or other health care providers. In home …
Health topics
… off and on for many years. Secondary progressive . At first it follows a relapsing-remitting course. And then it … MS follows a relapsing-remitting course, at least at first. It involves a series of attacks that cause symptoms. … off and on for many years. Secondary progressive . At first it follows a relapsing-remitting course. And then it …
Health topics
… Your baby may be fussy and have trouble sleeping for the first few days. He may feel some pain for a few days when he … Circumcision has some health benefits. For example: In the first year of life, urinary tract infections (UTIs) happen … baby boys Natural baby boys Urinary tract infection within first 15 months None 2 out of 100 Tightening of the foreskin …
Health topics
… Control staff member. Most chemical burns are treated first by rinsing (flushing) the chemical off your body with … acid or phenol does not mix with water, so use alcohol first to flush the chemical off the skin and then flush with … compounds are covered with mineral oil. The most important first aid for a chemical in the eye is to immediately flush …
Health topics
… using your step counter a habit. Put it on or activate it first thing in the morning as you get dressed. Leave it on … your activity level. Go about your usual routine for the first week. Don't change how active you are yet. Write down … routine. Set goals. Set a goal for the second week. At first, try to add 300 to 500 steps to your day. Then work …
Health topics
… Capsaicin is used to help relieve pain. Capsaicin works by first stimulating and then decreasing the intensity of pain signals in the body. Although pain may at first increase, it usually decreases after the first use. Capsaicin stimulates the release of a compound …
Health topics
… are used by health care workers and people who provide first aid when they may be in contact with blood or body … everyone use blood and body fluid precautions when giving first aid. Are blood and body fluid precautions always … to another person's blood or body fluids. If you give first aid, use blood and body fluid precautions . You may …