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6126 results found
Health topics
… an obvious break in the skin. What are the symptoms? At first, the infected area will be warm, red, swollen, and … an obvious break in the skin. What are the symptoms? At first, the infected area will be warm, red, swollen, and …
Health topics
… crowding in the mouth is the most common problem. So the first step in treatment may be to remove some baby teeth to … crowding in the mouth is the most common problem. So the first step in treatment may be to remove some baby teeth to …
Medical tests
… all the urine you produce in a 24-hour period. When you first get up in the morning, urinate into the toilet. Don't … all the urine you produce in a 24-hour period. When you first get up in the morning, urinate into the toilet. Don't …
Health topics
… syndrome may in some cases be inherited. If you have a first-degree relative, which is a parent, brother, or … syndrome may in some cases be inherited. If you have a first-degree relative, which is a parent, brother, or …
Health topics
… This can help with cramps during the IUD removal. First, you'll have some privacy to get ready. You'll be … This can help with cramps during the IUD removal. First, you'll have some privacy to get ready. You'll be …
Health topics
… pack on your bite for 15 to 20 minutes once an hour for the first 6 hours. When you aren't using ice, keep a cool, wet cloth on the bite for up to 6 hours. After the first 6 hours, if you don't have swelling, try putting a … to your child unless you've checked with the doctor first. A spray of local anesthetic containing benzocaine, …
Health topics
… For each item in the list, the generic name is first, followed by any brand names. levothyroxine (T4) … For each item in the list, the generic name is first, followed by any brand names. levothyroxine (T4) …
Health topics
… you don't notice them. The rash comes several days later, first on the face and later over the rest of the body. It … you don't notice them. The rash comes several days later, first on the face and later over the rest of the body. It …
HealthLinkBC files
… prevent tooth decay? Fluoride protects teeth when they first appear and as they develop over time. Fluoride bonds … causes any adverse health effects, reproductive issues or developmental issues. However, as with any naturally …
Health topics
… If you do not recover your control over urination in the first few months or year after treatment, additional … If you do not recover your control over urination in the first few months or year after treatment, additional …