5917 results found
Health topics
… arthritis. So it is very important to be gentle. Exercises should be done at least twice a day. And they should be reviewed now and then by a physiotherapist. Older … arthritis. So it is very important to be gentle. Exercises should be done at least twice a day. And they should be …
Health topics
… think about what you can learn from it and what you should do the next time you quit. If you slip or relapse, … Feel angry or frustrated. Are under a lot of stress. Have gained weight. Are at a party. Have easy access to … think about what you can learn from it and what you should do the next time you quit. If you slip or relapse, …
Health topics
… Your Sleep Actionset Overview Insomnia means that you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. It is a … the way of a good night's sleep. Step by step, your sleep should improve. If it doesn't, talk to your doctor. Food and … the way of a good night's sleep. Step by step, your sleep should improve. If it doesn't, talk to your doctor. Food and …
Health topics
… is sometimes called addiction. The risk is higher if you have a history of substance use. Your doctor will monitor … If side effects still bother you and you wonder if you should keep taking the medicine, call your doctor . He or … If side effects still bother you and you wonder if you should keep taking the medicine, call your doctor . He or …
Health topics
… make sure that your child is growing and developing as they should. Your doctor can help you know what milestones to … is doing. Talk with your doctor about any concerns you have about your child's health, growth, or behaviour. Do … for you to keep up with all the things experts say you "should be" doing to promote healthy growth and development. …
Medical tests
… test. So give your doctor a list of all the medicines you have taken in the past 4 days. Be sure to include any … or that your body is not processing the medicine as it should. Low values Low levels of prescription or … or that your body is not processing the medicine as it should. Low values Low levels of prescription or …
Medical tests
… has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … Low values Low folate levels can also mean that you have a problem absorbing or using folate, such as a vitamin … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Health topics
… toxins may be present in dangerous amounts in foods that have no signs of spoilage, such as a bad smell. What causes … that are lost during diarrhea. These kinds of drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating … that are lost during diarrhea. These kinds of drinks should not be used to rehydrate. When you feel like eating …
Health topics
… the person's hair, you may need: A towel to drape over the shoulders to keep the person dry. Or you can use a … a hair-washing tray at a medical supply store to help you. Have the person sit in the chair and face away from the sink. Put the towel or cape over the person's shoulders and upper body to keep their shirt dry. Put the …
Health topics
… powder or aspirin can cause lung problems. Also, aspirin should not be given to anyone younger than 18, because it … Citations Health Canada (2020). Benzocaine products should not be used in children under two years of age. … - Family Medicine Health Canada (2020). Benzocaine products should not be used in children under two years of age. …