5917 results found
Health topics
… Referred Shoulder Pain On this page: Overview Overview Unexplained shoulder pain that does not change when you move your neck, … . Other problems, such as gas from laparoscopic abdominal surgery or air entering the vagina under pressure from some …
Health topics
… smoking or the use of smokeless (spit) tobacco. Medicine or surgery. Medicines that commonly distort taste include … smoking or the use of smokeless (spit) tobacco. Medicine or surgery. Medicines that commonly distort taste include …
HealthLinkBC files
… that carries urine from the bladder). To find out if you have gonorrhea, you need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? Gonorrhea is passed … treatment. If you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding, you should have a follow-up test 3 to 4 weeks after completing …
Medical tests
… Are allergic to any medicines. Are or might be pregnant. Have recently had any test that uses a radioactive tracer, … before the test. If testing will include exercise, you should wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Many medicines … before the test. If testing will include exercise, you should wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Many medicines …
Medical tests
… room for several hours before you go home. Arrange to have someone take you home, because you may get a sedative … likely go home the next day. Also before the test you may have other blood tests. These include blood clotting … completed. You may need urgent treatment that could include surgery. There is a chance for an allergic reaction to the …
Health topics
… often and how long Any warning signs I need to watch for? Should I take my pulse when I exercise? If so, what range is best for me (target heart rate)? Should I change the time I take my medicines? Other … often and how long Any warning signs I need to watch for? Should I take my pulse when I exercise? If so, what range is …
Health topics
… to quit to know whether you smoke, are an ex-smoker, or have never smoked. If you have never smoked: Tell the person … from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or … from the attempt. Are there any triggers to look out for? Should the person try phone counselling, medicine, or …
Health topics
… alone is no reason to change the sexual practices that you have enjoyed throughout your life. But you may have to make … firm. But if you have good blood flow to your penis, you should be able to have erections that are firm enough for … a massage. Professional massages are wonderful, but simple shoulder and neck rubs feel great too. Find a friend who …
Health topics
… ever having symptoms of an STI, but some people who don't have symptoms can still spread an STI. We're both going to … law school, I was not as careful with birth control as I should have been. I was lucky that none of my partners … law school, I was not as careful with birth control as I should have been. I was lucky that none of my partners …
Health topics
… to your child now. What your child can do Your child should be brushing his or her own teeth morning and night … to your child now. What your child can do Your child should be brushing his or her own teeth morning and night …