5917 results found
Health topics
… of your four heart chambers. Your heart's electrical system should maintain: A steady heart rate of about 60 to 100 … the heart rate decreases. Some athletes actually may have normal heart rates well below 60 because their hearts … of your four heart chambers. Your heart's electrical system should maintain: A steady heart rate of about 60 to 100 …
Health topics
… children, with evidence suggesting that children under two should not have any screen time outside of video chatting with loved …
Health topics
… athlete can be considered symptom-free. Children and teens have longer recovery times. So they may have to wait longer … new symptoms or worsen his or her symptoms. The athlete should slowly progress through the following levels of … new symptoms or worsen his or her symptoms. The athlete should slowly progress through the following levels of …
Health features
… recommendations focus on non-medical use of cannabis but should also be considered if you use cannabis for medical … The Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations have had minor changes with the introduction of legalized … from a serious or debilitating illness, live in Canada and have a medical doctor's support, you can apply for accessing …
Health topics
… How is a PFO treated? Treatment is a catheter procedure or surgery to close the opening in the heart. This may be an … How is a PFO treated? Treatment is a catheter procedure or surgery to close the opening in the heart. This may be an …
Health topics
… can save money on prescription medicines. Some health plans have their own pharmacies for their members. If you belong … get two doses for the price of one. Many medicines should not be split, including timed-release pills and … get two doses for the price of one. Many medicines should not be split, including timed-release pills and …
Medical tests
… medicines depending on which kind of stool analysis you have. You may need to stop taking medicines such as … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Health topics
… and vitamin D intake recommendations across the lifespan have not changed with the 2019 food guide. Sources of … new guidance will be considered when they are updated. When should residential care facilities update their menus to … Food Guide, Licensed Residential Care Facilities ." When should assisted living residences update their menus to …
Health topics
… Being active helps children and teens to: Feel stronger and have more energy to do all the things they like to do. Focus … children to learn skills and play well. You and your child should be comfortable with the coach's style and the coach's … tunnel syndrome of the wrist, rotator cuff injury of the shoulder, tennis elbow , Osgood-Schlatter disease of the …
Health topics
… healthy people. These infections can occur among people who have scratches, cuts, or wounds and who have close contact … family, and other people with whom you are in close contact should wash their hands often with soap and clean, running … family, and other people with whom you are in close contact should wash their hands often with soap and clean, running …