5917 results found
Health topics
… then go without a patch for 1 week. During this week, you have your period. Your period may be very light. You also … stopping for a week each month. With this method, you won't have your period. How well does it work? In the first year … patch is not used exactly as directed , 9 people out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. Be sure to tell your doctor …
Health topics
… Overview Preventing a relapse When you have schizophrenia, your symptoms can sometimes come back. … If your doctor recommends family therapy, be sure to have all family members attend each session. Join a … drugs. Learn how to recognize the first signs of relapse. Have a plan for what you'll do when you notice signs, and …
Health topics
… It sometimes causes pain or burning when you urinate or have sex. And it may also cause a thick, clumpy, white … discharge. The sample can be tested to find out if you have a yeast infection. How is a vaginal yeast infection … medicine that you put into your vagina. If you think you have a yeast infection, talk to your doctor before you try …
Health topics
… For Caregivers Overview Many people have more than one long-term (chronic) health problem. You may be one of them. For example, you may have high blood pressure and diabetes, or you may have high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart failure. When …
Medical tests
… increase your risk. Talk to your doctor about how often to have this test. Cervical cancer is often caused by a … test. If your bleeding is light, you may still be able to have a Pap test. Do not use douches, tampons, vaginal … you've had problems with pelvic examinations in the past or have any concerns about having the test, tell your doctor. …
Health topics
… opening of the uterus. You use the diaphragm each time you have vaginal sex. You must use spermicide with it. Before … to the diaphragm and place it in your vagina. If you have sex more than 1 to 2 hours after placement, apply more spermicide to your vagina. If you have sex more than one time when the diaphragm is in place, …
Health topics
… passed from birds to people. But since 1997, some people have become sick with this serious, deadly kind of bird flu. Most of these infections have been in Asian countries among people who have had close contact with birds raised on farms. How is it …
Health topics
… These problems may be mild or so serious that people have a hard time working or doing their daily activities. … person. But you may: Forget events, names, or other things. Have trouble thinking of certain words when you talk. Have trouble learning new things. Take longer to do routine …
Health topics
… related to their tobacco use. If there's a chance you may have tobacco use disorder, it's important to find out. Ask yourself the following questions. You may have tobacco use disorder if your answer is "yes" to two or … use larger amounts of tobacco than you ever meant to? Or have you been using it for a longer time than you ever meant …
Health topics
… Problem When did it start? What are the symptoms? If you have pain, is it a dull ache or stabbing pain? Is it … (respiration rate), and blood pressure . Think back: Have you had this problem before? What did you do for it? Have there been any recent changes in your life (such as …