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… page: Overview Overview A few disorders have some of the same symptoms as schizophrenia … people in his or her same culture. The person may also have unusual behaviours and learning difficulties. Schizoid … disorder . People with schizoaffective disorder have the same symptoms as people with schizophrenia. But …
Health topics
… read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or … people who: Are at high risk for a heart attack or stroke. Have coronary artery disease . Have peripheral arterial disease . Have had or are having a …
Health topics
… is celiac disease? Celiac disease is a problem some people have with foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a type of … barley, rye, and triticale (a wheat-rye cross). When you have this disease and you eat food with gluten in it, the … increase your chance of getting it. You're more likely to have these genes and get celiac disease if a close family …
Health topics
… can be any sort of activity that you don't want. It doesn't have to be physical. Sexual threats or bullying are sexual … Canadian Armed Forces, about 1 in 4 women and 1 in 25 men have experienced sexual assault at least once. footnote 2 … feel fear, shame, anger, embarrassment, or guilt. You may have a response right away, or it may be delayed for months …
Health topics
… the child's will. A child with ADHD does not choose to misbehave. ADHD is caused by bad parenting. All the child needs … learns ways to cope with the symptoms. People with ADHD have plenty of energy, are creative, and can often accomplish more than people who do not have the condition. Having ADHD means the person is lazy or …
Health topics
… pregnancy is progressing without problems, it's okay to have vaginal intercourse. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns or questions. Sex during the first trimester … problems. If you think you or your sex partner might have an STI, it is safest to avoid sexual contact. While …
Health topics
… Information Overview Urinary incontinence Some people who have a stroke suffer loss of bladder control (urinary … after the stroke. But this is usually temporary. And it can have many causes, including infection, constipation, and the effects of medicines. If you have problems controlling your bladder, your doctor may: …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Eating well when you have cancer means eating enough to prevent weight loss and … prevent infection and heal quickly. You may feel better and have more energy if you eat the right kinds of food before, … it hard to eat during treatment for cancer because: You may have problems with side effects of treatment, such as …
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… this page: Overview Overview After you have had a seizure , it can be difficult to predict whether you will have more seizures. This makes it hard to decide whether to … may not actually be the first seizure you've had. You may have had seizures in the past, such as brief absence …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You have a choice of where to deliver your baby. Unless you have a high-risk pregnancy , you can decide to have your baby in a hospital, in a birthing centre, or at …