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1038 results found
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… Behaviour Nervous System Problems Night Eating Syndrome Non-Epileptic Seizures (NES) Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Non-Suicidal … Behaviour Nervous System Problems Night Eating Syndrome Non-Epileptic Seizures (NES) Non-Suicidal Self-Injury …
Health topics
… 1, 2021 Epilepsy is a common condition that causes repeated seizures . The seizures are caused by bursts of electrical activity in the brain that are not normal. Seizures may cause problems with muscle control, movement, …
Health topics
… Overview Epilepsy that causes focal seizures is sometimes called focal epilepsy, because the seizures start at a specific focus or location within the … this type of disorder, the electrical charges that cause seizures begin in a specific area in the brain, although …
Health topics
… as your doctor orders, to have the best chance of keeping seizures under control. Missing a dose here or there or … something other than epilepsy is causing them. Taking antiepileptic drugs when you do not have epilepsy may not stop … something other than epilepsy is causing them. Taking antiepileptic drugs when you do not have epilepsy may not stop …
Health topics
… to the brain to prevent the electrical bursts that cause seizures. The deep brain stimulator (DBS) is implanted under … or focal seizures or who haven't responded well to antiepileptic medicines. Nerve stimulation may also be used for … or focal seizures or who haven't responded well to antiepileptic medicines. Nerve stimulation may also be used for …
Health topics
… benefits of stopping treatment against the risk that your seizures may return. You have a lower risk of having a … have only one type of seizure. (An exception is myoclonic seizures, which usually require lifelong treatment.) Your … started when you were a child or teen. You had only a few seizures before starting treatment. Your seizures were easy …
Health topics
… ages 12 and 18. People with the disorder tend to have seizures that cause jerking in the shoulders or arms. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures and absence seizures may be present along with myoclonic seizures. …
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… is a severe form of childhood epilepsy that causes frequent seizures . Several types of seizures are usually present at the same time, including atonic or tonic seizures. These seizures can cause injury. Lennox-Gastaut …
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… higher for babies born to someone with epilepsy. Most antiepileptic medicines increase the risk even more. If you have … medicine treatment is not always the best solution. Having seizures during pregnancy can also harm the baby. And … consider whether potential seizures or continued use of antiepileptic medicine poses the greater risk to your baby. In …
Health topics
… lobe epilepsy can cause both partial and generalized seizures. Temporal lobe seizures cause behaviours such as smacking of the lips or rubbing the hands together. Other features of the seizures may include emotional or thought disturbances and …