3707 results found
Health topics
… prostate. Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP). During this procedure, incisions are made in the prostate to … in the hospital for 1 or 2 days. You are asleep or numb during the surgery. You avoid strenuous activity and sex for … few hours almost every night. I find that I'm tired a lot during the day because I'm really not sleeping very well. I …
Health topics
… supply. What happens in surgery for an umbilical hernia? During the surgery, the doctor makes a small cut, or … Have surgery now Have surgery now You may be asleep during the operation. Or the doctor may keep you awake and … body below the point of the injection. You may remain awake during the operation. You don't need to stay overnight in …
Health topics
… and the warning signs of suicide . Women who take an SSRI during pregnancy may have a slightly higher chance of having … them clean enough. I am still able to tend to my children during the day, but when they are napping, I usually spend … I am involved with my children or have other commitments during the day. I think I will talk with someone about how …
Health topics
… of stool. Surgery may be needed if cancer cells are found during a biopsy . FAQs What is ulcerative colitis? … Symptoms include: Belly pain. Diarrhea. Bleeding or mucus during bowel movements. You may also start to have symptoms … has not spread beyond the colon. Problems that can occur during or after surgery include: Blockage of the small …
Health topics
… test. How is it treated? Medicines are used to treat MS: During a relapse, to make the attack shorter and less … recur at random for many years. The disease doesn't advance during the remissions. Most people who develop MS have a … have a more severe type of MS include: Frequent relapses during the first few years of the disease. Incomplete …
Health topics
… a meniscus tear. Your doctor may be able to find this out during a physical examination. In these cases, the meniscus … takes 30 to 60 minutes but can take as long as 2 hours. During arthroscopy, you may have a general or regional … see if you have other injuries. You may feel discomfort during the MRI test. You may have an arthroscopy when you …
Health topics
… medicines to make you sleep or feel sleepy and comfortable during the procedure. The doctor inserts thin, flexible … benefits of ablation outweigh these risks. Problems during the procedure If problems happen during or soon after the procedure, your doctor is prepared …
Health topics
… being careful in the sun. For example, stay out of the sun during midday hours or seek shade. Wear sun-protective … being careful in the sun. For example, stay out of the sun during midday hours or seek shade. Wear sun-protective …
Health topics
… needles placed along the body's meridians. Acupressure. During this therapy, direct pressure is applied to points … needles placed along the body's meridians. Acupressure. During this therapy, direct pressure is applied to points …
Health topics
… for your menstrual cup. Empty and wash the menstrual cup. During your period, empty and wash your cup at least 2 times … for your menstrual cup. Empty and wash the menstrual cup. During your period, empty and wash your cup at least 2 times …