566 results found
Health topics
… about things you can do at home to help ease pain. Chest tubes One or more chest tubes are used after surgery to drain your chest cavity of … and blood, which are present after lung surgery. The chest tubes also help your lungs refill with air. Chest tubes are …
Health topics
… is a whistling noise that occurs when the bronchial tubes , which carry air to the lungs, narrow because of … present in asthma . During an asthma attack , the bronchial tubes become smaller. At first, the person may wheeze when … because little air is moving through the narrowed bronchial tubes. Wheezing can be a sign of asthma in children, but it …
Medical tests
… the abnormal lung tissue is located next to the breathing tubes (bronchi), or before trying more invasive methods, … sample is collected, your doctor will insert a drainage tube ( chest tube ) into the area and close the incision with stitches. …
Medical tests
… These cuts are called incisions. The doctor puts a lighted tube through incisions in your belly. This tube is called a scope. Then the doctor puts special tools through the tube to do the surgery. The surgery may be done to diagnose …
Health topics
… ) to numb your throat and then places a thin, flexible tube (endoscope) inside your nostril and gently guides the tube into your throat. A camera at the end of the tube sends pictures to a video monitor. This process is …
Health topics
… or reflux, of stomach juices into the esophagus, the tube that leads from the throat to the stomach. Some experts … This could make the smooth muscles of the bronchial tubes tighten, causing airway narrowing. Or food may back up … and airway, causing direct irritation of the bronchial tubes. People with asthma who have heartburn —after meals, …
Health topics
… nutrition (TPN) gives you liquid nutrition through a tube (catheter) inserted into a vein. These nutrients … you TPN. What to Expect You won't feel any pain from the tube inside your body. The port may feel uncomfortable at … The hospital staff will do all that they can to keep the tube and port sterile. This helps prevent infections. …
Health topics
… Information Overview A suprapubic catheter is a thin tube that drains urine from your bladder. The tube is put into your bladder through a small cut in your … lower belly. The urine collects in a bag attached to the tube. The bag is usually attached to your leg. Sometimes the …
Health topics
… out the cone. This removes air from the tubing. Reclamp the tube. Lubricate the irrigating cone and gently insert the … than 8 cm (3 in.) into the stoma. Irrigating Unclamp the tube and allow the irrigation solution to flow into the … out the cone. This removes air from the tubing. Reclamp the tube. Lubricate the irrigating cone and gently insert the …
Health topics
… capacity. Until your baby is stronger and more mature, tube feeding is used. It can feed breast milk, formula, or a … enterocolitis . The feedings are given through a tube into the umbilical site or into a vein. When your baby … Over days or weeks, you can gradually replace more tube or IV feedings with oral feedings. What should you know …