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566 results found
Health topics
… a problem with the eggs, with the uterus or fallopian tubes, or with sperm. But sometimes no cause can be found. … hormone levels, semen quality, or the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. How is infertility treated? A wide range … for a problem caused by endometriosis or blocked fallopian tubes. A procedure to concentrate sperm count for …
Health topics
… Put the used injector, needle-end first, into the storage tube that comes with your injector. Do not bend the needle. Screw on the cap of the storage tube. Go to the emergency room, and bring the used injector … Put the used injector, needle-end first, into the storage tube that comes with your injector. Do not bend the needle. …
Health topics
… epidural, you may get a single shot. But usually, a thin tube (catheter) is inserted through the needle into the … next to the spinal cord. Then the needle is removed and the tube stays in your back to supply the numbing medicine. … for pain or to help you relax. You may get them through a tube in your vein, called an IV. They may make you feel …
Health topics
… your own. This machine pumps air into your lungs through a tube inserted into your throat. A feeding tube or an intravenous (IV) line to provide food and fluids … your own. This machine pumps air into your lungs through a tube inserted into your throat. A feeding tube or an …
Health topics
… are caused by: Long-term (chronic) inflammation in the tubes that carry air to the lungs (bronchial tubes). Inflammation leads to overreaction (hyperresponsiveness) of the tubes to triggers. Tightening of the smooth muscles in the …
Health topics
… on your back on the table of the CT or MRI machine. A thin tube is inserted into the rectum through the anus. For CT, air or carbon dioxide gas will be pumped through the tube. (There may be some discomfort as the gas expands your … For MRI, a contrast liquid will be given through the tube into the colon. This helps the doctor see all parts of …
Health topics
… Put the used injector, needle-end first, into the storage tube that comes with your injector. Do not bend the needle. Screw on the cap of the storage tube. Take your child to the emergency room, and bring the … Put the used injector, needle-end first, into the storage tube that comes with your injector. Do not bend the needle. …
Medical tests
… Flexible bronchoscopy. It uses a long, thin, lighted tube to look at your airway. The flexible bronchoscope is … with general anesthesia and uses a straight, hollow metal tube. It is used: When there is bleeding in the airway that … The bronchoscope is then moved down your larger breathing tubes (bronchi) to examine the lower airways. If your doctor …
Medical tests
… retrograde cholangiopancreatogram (ERCP) test checks the tubes (ducts) that drain the liver , gallbladder , and … can be opened by inserting a small wire-mesh or plastic tube (called a stent) into it. Why It Is Done ERCP is done … of the way. You may be asked to swallow to help move the tube along. The scope is no thicker than many foods you …
Health topics
… Overview Vasectomy reversal (vasovasostomy) reconnects the tubes (vas deferens) that were cut during a vasectomy. A … on both sides of the scrotum. Then the two ends of the tubes are joined. Sperm can now move through this tube to the penis. Vasectomy reversal usually doesn't …