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566 results found
Health topics
… can travel up the vagina into the uterus and fallopian tubes and cause an infection. This is more common during … infections right away to: Prevent scarring of the fallopian tubes . Scarring of the fallopian tubes increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy and can cause …
Health topics
… from a bottle. Or your baby may get fluids through a soft tube that goes through the nose and into the stomach. It's … or in another location. What can you expect? You may see tubes and wires attached to your baby. This can be scary to … see. But these things help the doctor treat your baby. The tubes supply air, fluid, and medicines to your baby. The …
Health topics
… the vagina and the vulva. This fluid comes out of two tiny tubes next to the opening of the vagina. These tubes are called Bartholin ducts. Bartholin gland cyst If a … and filling up again, your doctor may put a small drainage tube with a small balloon at one end inside the cyst. The …
Medical tests
… be used to guide it. The doctor may guide a thin plastic tube along the needle into the space between the sac and your heart. The fluid drains out through the tube. Some fluid may be saved and sent to a lab for tests. … procedure. After some or all of the fluid is drained, the tube may be removed right away. Or the tube may be left in …
Health topics
… and reduce the risk of injury when an endotracheal (ET) tube is inserted. They may also be used to relax the chest muscles when an ET tube is used to help a person breathe (mechanical … and reduce the risk of injury when an endotracheal (ET) tube is inserted. They may also be used to relax the chest …
Health topics
… can be used to treat infertility. They use a thin, flexible tube (catheter) to place sperm in the vagina, cervix, or uterus. The sperm then travel into the fallopian tubes, where they may fertilize an egg. If the sperm are … can be used to treat infertility. They use a thin, flexible tube (catheter) to place sperm in the vagina, cervix, or …
Health topics
… will likely have: Continuous monitoring of your heart. A tube to help with breathing for up to a few hours. A stomach tube that removes stomach secretions until you start to eat again. A tube (catheter) to drain the bladder and measure urine …
Health topics
… of a specially designed syringe to apply suction. A thin tube is passed into the uterus. Then a valve is released … Electric vacuum aspiration involves the use of a thin tube that is attached to a pump. The tube is passed into the uterus. Then suction is used to …
Health topics
… or your child's lungs are working. Peak flow drops when the tubes that carry air to the lungs (bronchial tubes) narrow. A decrease in the peak flow can show that the bronchial tubes have narrowed even before asthma symptoms start. Peak …
Health topics
… rate and be kept warm. They may be fed through a vein or a tube in their nose. Sick and very premature infants may need … body heat. Fed through a vein (intravenously) or through a tube in their nose, if needed. Tube-feeding continues until a baby is able to breathe, …