4365 results found
… constipation, eat dietary fiber, drink enough water, and exercise. You may also need to take a laxative. Ask your … things that may cause you to overheat, such as hard work or exercise in hot weather, or using hot tubs. When the weather … Newborn babies of mothers who use this medication late in pregnancy may have symptoms such as slow/shallow breathing, …
Health topics
… Overview Overview The shot is used to prevent pregnancy. You get the shot in your upper arm or rear end … called by its brand name, Depo-Provera. Progestin prevents pregnancy in these ways: It thickens the mucus in the … as directed , it is more than 99% effective for preventing pregnancy. That means that fewer than 1 out of 100 people …
Health topics
… friends, and other caring people in your life. Get regular exercise. It can help you clear your mind and work off … tension and anxiety. Progressive muscle relaxation is an exercise that can help you do this. In progressive muscle … you wear contact lenses, remove them before beginning the exercise. Cheeks and jaws: Smile as widely as you can. …
Health topics
… blood pressure. Take good care of yourself. Get regular exercise. Weight-bearing exercise can help keep your bones and muscles strong. Aerobic exercise can help prevent weight gain. Talk to your doctor …
… doctor if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. During pregnancy, this medication is not recommended. It may slightly increase the risk of birth defects if used during the first two months of pregnancy. Also, using it for …
… doctor if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. During pregnancy, this medication is not recommended. It may slightly increase the risk of birth defects if used during the first two months of pregnancy. Also, using it for …
… doctor if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. During pregnancy, this medication is not recommended. It may slightly increase the risk of birth defects if used during the first two months of pregnancy. Also, using it for …
Health topics
… cases, blood does not flow through the heart the right way. During valve surgery, you are given general anesthesia. In … is still important to eat heart-healthy foods, get regular exercise, stay at a healthy weight, take your medicine, and … is still important to eat heart-healthy foods, get regular exercise, stay at a healthy weight, take your medicine, and …
Health topics
… registered nurse, registered dietitian, qualified exercise professional or pharmacist. Primary healthcare … attention within 12 to 24 hours. They are often open during evenings, weekends and statutory holidays (actual …
Health topics
… a bike ride, or do some other physical activity together. Exercise is important for health and helps clear your mind. … tell each other where you will be and what you'll be doing during the time-out. Tell each other what time you will come … a bike ride, or do some other physical activity together. Exercise is important for health and helps clear your mind. …