3799 results found
Health topics
… Stretching exercises are controlled stretches that prevent tennis elbow stiffness and tendon shortening. Gently … Stretching exercises are controlled stretches that prevent tennis elbow stiffness and tendon shortening. Gently …
Health topics
… tablets, hard candy, and fruit juice. If your child will be exercising very hard and for longer than 30 minutes, you may … Food and Exercise Physical Activity for Children and Teens Preventing Children's Injuries From Sports and Other … tablets, hard candy, and fruit juice. If your child will be exercising very hard and for longer than 30 minutes, you may …
Health topics
… For a few days or a week, write down your reasons for not exercising. Then for each of your reasons, write a response … and responses whenever you are about to make a choice about exercising. Barriers to fitness Reason for not being active … can safely do. Read or talk with experienced people about preventing injuries. Have someone with experience watch you …
Health topics
… hasn't had to look far. His father rides his bike daily to prevent another heart attack. John's grandparents and others … hasn't had to look far. His father rides his bike daily to prevent another heart attack. John's grandparents and others …
Health topics
… Headache Prevention: Posture and Body Mechanics On this page: … Overview Good posture and good body mechanics can help prevent tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back … maintaining good posture during daily activities may help prevent headaches. Use good body mechanics all the time, not …
Health topics
… if you can only say a few words while you do it. You are exercising too hard if you can't talk while you do it. You may not be exercising hard enough if you can sing while you do it. … if you can only say a few words while you do it. You are exercising too hard if you can't talk while you do it. You …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… your life. Find an activity partner. If you have problems exercising regularly on your own, ask someone to exercise … Or join an exercise group or health club. This can make exercising more fun. Making exercise part of your daily … your life. Find an activity partner. If you have problems exercising regularly on your own, ask someone to exercise …
Health topics