3799 results found
Health topics
… sugar levels. You will learn how to manage diabetes and prevent further health problems. You will find helpful tips … Colonoscopy Diabetes: Lower Your Risk for Heart Attack and Stroke Diabetes: Making Medical Decisions as Your Health … Kidney Disease Diabetic Neuropathy Diabetic Neuropathy: Exercising Safely Diabetic Retinopathy Eating Out When You …
… treatment with your doctor. Estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease or dementia. Estrogens can increase … increase the risk of cancer of the breast/ovaries, stroke, dementia, and serious blood clots. When used along … eating a low fat/salt diet, losing weight if overweight, exercising regularly, and stopping smoking. Keep your mind …
Health topics
… Neck Pain On this page: Cause Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … other medicines. Surgery is rarely done. How can you prevent neck pain? You can avoid some neck pain with new … arthritis. Sometimes neck pain may not have a clear cause. Prevention You can avoid neck pain caused by stress or …
HealthLinkBC files
… coughing, wheezing, pneumonia and asthma Heart disease Stroke Nasal sinus cancer Lung cancer Emphysema Pregnant … during pregnancy may impact fetal development. How can I prevent exposure to second-hand smoke or vapour? To protect …
HealthLinkBC files
… care provider. There are steps that can be taken to help prevent the virus being passed to the baby. This is most … can also decrease the chance of spreading it to others by preventing the virus from multiplying. To ease discomfort … until symptoms have resolved Is there anything I can do to prevent recurrent outbreaks? It is not well understood what …
Health topics
… Basics Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … and you can prop up or elevate your leg or arm. How can you prevent DVT? To help prevent DVT, you might take an anticoagulant medicine. After …
Health topics
… antibiotic, or tretinoin cream. How can you help prevent them? These tips can help when you shave: Moisten … in the direction the hair is growing. Use the fewest razor strokes possible. Rinse with cold water. Use an electric … antibiotic, or tretinoin cream. How can you help prevent them? These tips can help when you shave: Moisten …
Health topics
… people need regular blood transfusions to lower the risk of stroke and to treat anemia and other problems. Health Tools … daily antibiotics from 2 months to 5 years of age to help prevent infections. Routine childhood and adult … prescription medicine, such as L-glutamine (Endari), to prevent problems. In rare cases, a stem cell transplant …
Health topics
… be brought on by many conditions or activities, such as: Exercising, injury, or overuse of muscles. Pregnancy. Cramps … think you need to continue taking the medicine. How can you prevent them? These tips may help prevent muscle cramps: … be brought on by many conditions or activities, such as: Exercising, injury, or overuse of muscles. Pregnancy. Cramps …
HealthLinkBC files
… Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese How can I prevent the spread of hepatitis B virus (HBV)? The Hepatitis … living with hepatitis B. There are vaccines available to prevent HBV infection. The hepatitis B vaccine is provided … For more information, visit HealthLinkBC File #08o Preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Encourage …