3799 results found
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… at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Foot defect. There is an increased risk that … at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Foot defect. There is an increased risk that … at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Foot defect. There is an increased risk that …
Health topics
… at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Arm or leg defect. There is a chance that your … at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Arm or leg defect. There is a chance that your … at risk for Rh sensitization, you'll be given a vaccine to prevent it. Arm or leg defect. There is a chance that your …
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… Medical Specialists Navigating Your Hospital Stay Prevent Medical Errors Smart Decisions: Know Your Options … Medical Specialists Navigating Your Hospital Stay Prevent Medical Errors Smart Decisions: Know Your Options …
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… medicines Take medicines You take medicine every day to prevent GERD symptoms. You take over-the-counter medicines … What is usually involved? You take medicine every day to prevent GERD symptoms. You take over-the-counter medicines … medicines Take medicines You take medicine every day to prevent GERD symptoms. You take over-the-counter medicines …
Health topics
… disease, you may decide to use treatment, if available, to prevent the disease or to make it less severe. Although many … disease, you may decide to use treatment, if available, to prevent the disease or to make it less severe. Although many … disease, you may decide to use treatment, if available, to prevent the disease or to make it less severe. Although many …
Health topics
… know that you have an infection, you can get treatment and prevent spreading the infection to others. Left untreated, … know that you have an infection, you can get treatment and prevent spreading the infection to others. Left untreated, … know that you have an infection, you can get treatment and prevent spreading the infection to others. Left untreated, …
Health topics
… wind, and sun. Raise your head with pillows at night to prevent your eyes from swelling. In some cases, taping your … wind, and sun. Raise your head with pillows at night to prevent your eyes from swelling. In some cases, taping your …