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3305 results found
Health topics
… soon as you can, ease back into your normal routine. Lying down or sitting for too long can make back pain worse. If … of time, take breaks. Get up and walk around, or lie down. Change positions every 30 minutes. Sit or lie in … soon as you can, ease back into your normal routine. Lying down or sitting for too long can make back pain worse. If …
Health topics
… use cat litter, sawdust, or coffee grounds. Don't crush tablets or capsules. Place the mixture in some other container. … in your household trash. Do not flush your medicine down the toilet or sink. Health Canada recommends against flushing any …
Medical tests
… problems with red blood cells , white blood cells , or platelets in people who have conditions such as thrombocytopenia … you may be given a blood product (clotting factor or platelets) into a vein ( IV ) in your arm to prevent bleeding … to help you relax. You will lie either on your side or face down on your belly for the biopsy. It is important that you …
Health topics
… or replace your urostomy pouch: Drainable pouch. Place toilet paper in the bowl to prevent splashing. Sit down with the pouch between your legs. The pouch is held … Just unclip it and allow its contents to fall into the toilet. Clean the end of the pouch with toilet paper and reclip …
… Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health … Guide and, if available, the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before you start using this … pets. See also Warning section. Do not flush medications down the toilet or pour them into a drain unless instructed …
Health topics
… What causes it? The cause of bipolar disorder isn't completely understood. But experts believe many factors may be … risk of having it is higher. Bipolar disorder can be passed down through families. Symptoms The symptoms depend on your … hypomania, and depression. In between, you may return completely to normal or you may still have some symptoms. The …
Medical tests
… See if there is a greater chance of birth defects such as Down syndrome. The test is done with other screening tests. … of hCG can mean a multiple pregnancy (such as twins or triplets). It can also mean a molar pregnancy or Down syndrome . … of hCG can mean a multiple pregnancy (such as twins or triplets). It can also mean a molar pregnancy or Down syndrome . …
Medical tests
… If the container has a lid, remove the lid and set it down with the inner surface up. Clean the area around your penis or vagina. Start to urinate into the toilet or urinal. Collect the urine in the container. After the … inside of either container with your fingers. Don't get toilet paper, pubic hair, stool (feces), menstrual blood, or …
Health topics
… park." So she started eating smaller portions, and she cut down on fast foods—little steps that still allowed her to … her lose weight, and she rattles off the list: Cutting down on fast food. Learning to control portion sizes. … that really helps. I'll have an apple or almonds." Writing down everything she eats. Cooking at home as much as …
Health topics
… side. Having trouble recalling how to form numbers and letters, or confusing similar numbers. The person may not be … to help. Here are some examples. Help prevent a fall. Cut down on clutter. Make sure that rooms are well lit. Install … side. Having trouble recalling how to form numbers and letters, or confusing similar numbers. The person may not be …