3305 results found
… Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health … suppository and moisten it with a few drops of water. Lie down on your left side with your right knee bent. Gently … severe dizziness trouble breathing This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other …
Health topics
… you find out what triggers your emotional eating. You write down when and what you eat. You also write down what you were doing and feeling before you started … you find out what triggers your emotional eating. You write down when and what you eat. You also write down what you …
Health topics
… sips of your drink, and try to feel it travel all the way down your throat until it sloshes into your stomach. A … are being used? How about where the speed of the song slows down or gets faster? See if the beat of the music is … sips of your drink, and try to feel it travel all the way down your throat until it sloshes into your stomach. A …
Health topics
… Make a budget. A budget is a tool you can use to pay down your debt and start saving money. There are free … in each envelope. On the outside of the envelope, write down what the money is for, such as "gas" or "groceries." … Make a budget. A budget is a tool you can use to pay down your debt and start saving money. There are free …
Health topics
… being alone for a while. Tell your partner you need to cool down for a while, or that it would be better to discuss a … you feel worse. Try to: Talk with someone you trust. Write down your feelings. It may help to make a list of things … being alone for a while. Tell your partner you need to cool down for a while, or that it would be better to discuss a …
Health topics
… the spinal cord, providing pain relief from the waist down. During a caesarean birth, pain relief is from the breastbone down. Side effects May result in bed rest while leg control … risk of forceps delivery. Pain relief may not be complete. Some women report headaches after an epidural. …
Health topics
… your head and shoulders while resting Do not bend or lie down immediately after a meal Do not wear tight waistbands … music Improved breathing This may mean you baby has moved down into your pelvis in preparation for birth. Make a note …
Health topics
… himself. And for the first time in his life, he's started down a spiritual path. He says that talking things out, … can make talking hard. "When I'm depressed, I'm so far down that I can't reach out to people to tell them I'm … himself. And for the first time in his life, he's started down a spiritual path. He says that talking things out, …
Health topics
… flutter. When they do, the electrical impulses can travel down the bypass tract and cause the heart to beat at rates … how to do vagal manoeuvres safely. Examples include bearing down or putting an ice-cold, wet towel on your face. If an … flutter. When they do, the electrical impulses can travel down the bypass tract and cause the heart to beat at rates …
Health topics
… You Leave Domestic Violence: Getting a Protective Order Down Syndrome Down Syndrome, Ages 13 to 21 Down Syndrome: Grooming and Hygiene Down Syndrome: Helping …