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Health topics
… But it can't be used if the baby's head is too far down in the birth canal (vagina). Labour … But it can't be used if the baby's head is too far down in the birth canal (vagina). Labour …
Health topics
… scratching that can be hard to stop. The use of scented toilet paper, scented soap, or ointments (such as those that … the bright blood on the surface of the stool or on the toilet paper. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures usually occur after … an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Call 9-1-1 Now Based on your answers, you need …
Health topics
… first 3 days after your injury or until the swelling goes down. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin. Prop … leg on a pillow when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down. Do this for about 3 days after your injury. Try to … first 3 days after your injury or until the swelling goes down. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin. Prop …
Health topics
… if you fall on your bent knee with your foot or toes bent downward or if the front of your knee is hit. A PCL injury … first 3 days after your injury or until the swelling goes down. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin. Prop … leg on a pillow when you ice it or anytime you sit or lie down. Do this for about 3 days after your injury. Try to …
Health topics
… using TV, computers, game systems, smartphones, and tablets. They help us to be informed and entertained, do our … can help. Here are some you can try: Lead by example. Put down your own devices, and talk with your kids. Turn off … where kids can put their cell phones, laptops, and tablets so they don't use them in bed. Support a healthy …
Health topics
… withdrawal? If you drink alcohol regularly and then cut down on how much you drink or suddenly stop drinking, you … detoxification, or detox. Most people may be able to cut down or stop drinking with only mild withdrawal. It can help … withdrawal? If you drink alcohol regularly and then cut down on how much you drink or suddenly stop drinking, you …
Health topics
… a towel curl exercise. Place a towel on the floor, and sit down in a chair in front of it with both feet resting flat … with the other foot. Some people—especially competitive athletes, people who want to return to a heavy sports program, … with the other foot. Some people—especially competitive athletes, people who want to return to a heavy sports program, …
Medical tests
… called hexosaminidase A (Hex A) in the blood. Hex A breaks down fatty substances in the brain and nerves. Tay-Sachs is an inherited disease in which the body can't break down fatty substances as it should, so the fatty substances … called hexosaminidase A (Hex A) in the blood. Hex A breaks down fatty substances in the brain and nerves. Tay-Sachs is …
Medical tests
… golf ball. Sometimes a stone may leave the kidney and move down a ureter into the bladder . From the bladder, the stone … of pain in the lower back, groin, or genitals as it moves down the ureters or the urethra. A small stone may pass … golf ball. Sometimes a stone may leave the kidney and move down a ureter into the bladder . From the bladder, the stone …
Medical tests
… you empty your bladder. But don't save this urine. Write down the time you began. For the set period of time, collect … inside of either container with your fingers. Don't get toilet paper, pubic hair, stool (feces), menstrual blood, or … inside of either container with your fingers. Don't get toilet paper, pubic hair, stool (feces), menstrual blood, or …