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3305 results found
Health topics
… you feel confident. If you need help getting to the toilet, call the nurse before your need to go is urgent. If you … getting fluids through an IV, you may need to use the toilet more often. Be aware of medical equipment such as a … move. Your nurse should leave the side rails of the bed down, unless there is a concern for your safety. Your nurse …
Health topics
… seal the area. A blood clot that forms in an artery can completely block blood flow to the heart muscle. This can cause … is a process. There are ways you can slow it down and help lower your risk for heart attack and stroke. A … seal the area. A blood clot that forms in an artery can completely block blood flow to the heart muscle. This can cause …
Health topics
… muscle) is shortened. This brings your baby's head down and to one side. This is known as congenital muscular … muscle) is shortened. This brings your baby's head down and to one side. This is known as congenital muscular …
Health topics
… while I was trying to go around the block." Joan also felt down about being a "heart patient" and all the medicines she … while I was trying to go around the block." Joan also felt down about being a "heart patient" and all the medicines she …
Health topics
… he says. "When I get one, I take some ibuprofen and lie down and do the guided imagery. The headaches that I do get … he says. "When I get one, I take some ibuprofen and lie down and do the guided imagery. The headaches that I do get …
Health topics
… when either your small or large intestine is partly or completely blocked. The blockage prevents food, fluids, and gas … nausea, vomiting, and bloating. If the intestine is completely blocked, you may have constipation with a lack of … may place a nasogastric (NG) tube through your nose and down into your stomach. The tube is connected to low suction …
Health topics
… I tell myself I'm just going to do one of them and then go down to breakfast. Usually that gets me into the swing of … I tell myself I'm just going to do one of them and then go down to breakfast. Usually that gets me into the swing of …
Health topics
… and the feeling that the bladder does not empty completely. Fever may be the only symptom of a UTI in a small … pictures are taken of the urinary tract . VUR can be passed down from parent to child (inherited). If one of your … a child gets older. Mild cases of VUR usually go away completely by the time a child is 5 years old. With VUR, urinary …
Health topics
… may also happen during a mishap. An amputation may be complete (the body part is completely removed or cut off) or partial (much of the body part … your hands and the wound. Have the injured person lie down and elevate the site that is bleeding. Remove any …
Health topics
… Shellie's blood pressure and cholesterol numbers are back down to normal. "Plus, I'm 10 kilograms (25 pounds) lighter … Shellie's blood pressure and cholesterol numbers are back down to normal. "Plus, I'm 10 kilograms (25 pounds) lighter …