3305 results found
Health topics
… When your head is on the table, you are now looking down at the table. The doctor holds you in this position for … When your head is on the table, you are now looking down at the table. The doctor holds you in this position for …
Medical tests
… protective shield. The dental technician will have you bite down on a small piece of cardboard or plastic. The cardboard … protective shield. The dental technician will have you bite down on a small piece of cardboard or plastic. The cardboard …
Health topics
… bedrest. Full bedrest usually means you need to lie down most of the day except when you go to the bathroom or … also include magazines, books, a laptop, an electronic tablet, or an MP3 player. Find a support group online, a social … be hard to find time to do. Read. Do craft projects. Write letters or thank-you notes. Do crossword, jigsaw, or number …
Medical tests
… found in bile . It is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the … found in bile . It is produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells. Bilirubin is then removed from the …
Medical tests
… a nasotracheal catheter) is put through the nose and down the throat. Suction is applied for up to 15 seconds to … a nasotracheal catheter) is put through the nose and down the throat. Suction is applied for up to 15 seconds to …
HealthLinkBC files
… HealthLink BC File number 93d Elder Abuse Prevention Series Download PDF Document English Document Chinese Document … hospital or into a care facility If you lend money, write down the amount, the person’s name and the date you loaned …
Health topics
… toxicity of a drug isn’t the only thing that makes it more lethal. The primary issue that has created a tipping point … fentanyl in B.C. Understanding opioid overdose Opioids slow down a person’s breathing and heart rate. Opioid overdoses …
Health topics
… how well the child can do routine activities of daily life. Down syndrome. Mood disorders, such as depression or … as well as people with disabilities. This is not a complete list. If you have a chronic health problem, ask your … as well as people with disabilities. This is not a complete list. If you have a chronic health problem, ask your …
Health topics
… types of ACEs. Emotional abuse. An adult insults, puts down, or swears at a child. Or an adult acts in a way that … types of ACEs. Emotional abuse. An adult insults, puts down, or swears at a child. Or an adult acts in a way that …
Health topics
… you want to be. Your weight is stable. It's not going up or down. You breathe easily. You are sleeping well. You are … you want to be. Your weight is stable. It's not going up or down. You breathe easily. You are sleeping well. You are …