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HealthLinkBC files
… Last updated September 1, 2016 HealthLink BC File number 36 Download PDF Document English Document Traditional Chinese … safety supply stores and some hardware and home building outlets. Your local public health unit or WorkSafe BC can … avoid disturbing any virus present – do not use a sprayer. Let soak for 10 minutes. Wipe up droppings, nesting …
Health topics
… them healthier: Wash your hands each time you use the toilet, after you blow your nose, and before you eat. Don't … Ask first if it's okay to pet someone's dog, and then let the dog smell your hand before you pet it. Always wear a … them healthier: Wash your hands each time you use the toilet, after you blow your nose, and before you eat. Don't …
Health topics
… Low Blood Sugar . Provide school staff with glucose tablets or quick-sugar foods , such as hard candy or fruit … and the desired target range. Specify how many glucose tablets or how much quick-sugar food to have on hand for your … caregivers, and your child's doctor. You will also want to let school staff know when to call 9-1-1 . The care plan …
Health topics
… sure to tell people how much help you want. Getting support Let people know what to expect when you quit and how they … Try a free stop-smoking app if you have a smartphone, tablet, or other hand-held computer device. Helpful app … you such as with text messaging or links to community bulletin boards or social media. When you quit, pass it on . Be …
Health topics
… ask that you don't drive for a short time. Your doctor will let you know when you can drive again. Your doctor might … ask that you don't drive for a short time. Your doctor will let you know when you can drive again. Your doctor might …
Health topics
… coming out of the spinal cord into the lower back. It goes down through the buttock, then its branches extend down the back of the leg to the ankle and foot. What causes … include pain that begins in your back or buttock and moves down your leg and may move into your foot. Weakness, …
Health topics
… of the time. It's different from feeling a little sad or down. Depression can be treated with counselling or … job." Reality: Many people lose their jobs because of downsizing and other things beyond their control. It doesn't … your thoughts. It makes you aware of your self-talk. Write down any negative or unhelpful thoughts you had during the …
Health topics
… Colonoscopy . A colonoscopy (say "koh-luh-NAW-skuh-pee") lets your doctor see if cancer has returned to your … as weakness, fatigue, fever, bruising, or weight loss (complete blood count). Chest X-ray. A chest X-ray is a picture … Antigen (CEA) Test Chest X-Ray Colonoscopy Complete Blood Count (CBC) Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the …
Health topics
… also may be present. Moderate vertigo requires that you lie down and lie still (no head motion) to stop the feeling of … present and you may vomit, but you are able to keep fluids down. Severe vertigo occurs when the feeling of movement is continuous even when lying down. Nausea and vomiting are so severe that you will vomit …
Health topics
… A little bit of bright red blood on the stool or on the toilet paper is often caused by mild irritation of the rectum. … a few drops on the stool or in the diaper, you may need to let your doctor know today to discuss your symptoms. Black … an area where heavy traffic or other problems may slow you down. Make an Appointment Based on your answers, the problem …