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Health topics
… than average. Even though amniocentesis can detect certain problems, it can't guarantee that your baby will be born … But it does have some risks, including a small chance of causing a miscarriage. FAQs What is amniocentesis? … and 20 of a woman's pregnancy to check for certain health problems. It's not a routine test. But your doctor may …
Health topics
… can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or … means a person keeps using opioids even though it causes problems. The risk is greater for those who have a history …
Health topics
… overweight makes you more likely to have serious health problems, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Surgery … you follow your plan for lifestyle changes and follow-up appointments. Some people lose almost all of their extra … You recover sooner and may be less likely to have pain or problems after surgery. This is the type of surgery done …
Medical tests
… X-ray is the most common imaging test or X-ray used to find problems inside the chest. A chest X-ray can help find some problems with the organs and structures inside the chest. … such as an enlarged heart, heart failure , and problems causing fluid in the lungs ( pulmonary edema ), and to monitor …
Health topics
… may squeeze or partly block the urethra. This often causes problems with urinating. BPH occurs in almost all men as … than others. What are the symptoms? BPH causes urinary problems such as trouble starting and stopping the flow of … sometimes used to help relieve BPH symptoms. If you stop using medicine, symptoms usually come back. Medicines …
Health topics
… with orthognathic surgery. Adults who have severe jaw problems may need surgery to improve their looks and how the jaw works. Severe jaw problems can include upper jaws that don't match with the … surgeons or plastic surgeons perform this surgery using general anesthesia. Recovery takes several weeks. …
Health topics
… (also called neonatal abstinence syndrome) is a set of problems that may affect a child if the mother used certain … Cry a lot. Have trouble feeding and sleeping. Have stomach problems like vomiting and diarrhea. This can be stressful … But less severe effects, such as behaviour or learning problems, may not be noticed until your child is in school. …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment Check Your Symptoms Overview … earwax is a self-draining liquid that doesn't cause problems. As the skin of the ear canal sheds, the wax is … Medicines to Children More self-care Ear Examination Using Cold and Heat Therapies Preparing For Your Appointment
Health topics
… material can travel to various parts of the body and cause problems. If left untreated, this condition can be … causes it? Rhabdomyolysis can be caused by a variety of problems, such as: Severe muscle injury. This might be … help your kidneys filter out substances that can cause problems. Make sure you're getting enough fluids, …
Health topics
… it? Patellar tracking disorder is usually caused by several problems combined, such as: Weak thigh muscles. Tendons, … that pushes the kneecap toward the outer side of the leg. Problems with the structure of the knee bones or how they … suggest: Taping your knee to hold the kneecap in place. Using a knee brace for extra knee support. Trying shoe …