6255 results found
Health topics
… This includes people with HIV, diabetes, or kidney problems, as well as older adults and people who take … treated? The treatment you need depends on what is causing the esophagitis. If you have esophagitis caused by … This includes people with HIV, diabetes, or kidney problems, as well as older adults and people who take …
Health topics
… for colorectal cancer , diverticulitis, or other colon problems. Risks The colostomy opening can become infected. … for colorectal cancer , diverticulitis, or other colon problems. Risks The colostomy opening can become infected. …
Health topics
… crowd out the normal blood cells. This can lead to serious problems such as anemia , bleeding, and infections. Leukemia … crowd out the normal blood cells. This can lead to serious problems such as anemia , bleeding, and infections. Leukemia …
Health topics
Health topics
… pull out a few hairs for tests. If it's not clear what's causing your hair loss, your doctor may do a blood test or … which a person feels an urge to pull hair out of the scalp, eyelashes, or eyebrows. Traction alopecia. This hair loss is caused by …
Health topics
… If you are afraid that you may gain weight or develop other problems, you may not eat enough food. After you accept your … If you are afraid that you may gain weight or develop other problems, you may not eat enough food. After you accept your …
Health topics
… concerns. Allow your child to try to solve his or her own problems, if appropriate. But offer to help and be available … concerns. Allow your child to try to solve his or her own problems, if appropriate. But offer to help and be available …
Health topics
… Huntington disease can cause personality changes, behaviour problems, and memory loss. Symptoms usually develop after … Huntington disease can cause personality changes, behaviour problems, and memory loss. Symptoms usually develop after …
Health topics
… of alcohol. Not getting enough calcium and vitamin D . Using steroid medicines for 6 months or longer. But you may … that you and your doctor check your fracture risk using a tool such as FRAX or CAROC to help decide whether … past few years. In her day, they didn't know as much about using hormones after menopause to prevent "brittle bones." I …
Health topics
… and some cancers. If you already have one or more of these problems, getting more fit may help you control other health problems and make you feel better. Being more fit also can … activity part of your regular day. Make a regular habit of using stairs, not elevators, and walking to do errands near …