1118 results found
Health topics
… that get into the blood from trauma, surgery, or medical procedures. Tumours caused by rapidly growing cancer cells. … with a less invasive procedure that uses a catheter (a thin tube that's guided through a blood vessel). This surgery or … with a less invasive procedure that uses a catheter (a thin tube that's guided through a blood vessel). This surgery or …
Health topics
… plenty of water. Get some exercise every day. Non-surgical procedures The goal of these procedures is to reduce the blood supply to the hemorrhoid … the anal tissue and helps prevent new hemorrhoids. These procedures can only be done on internal hemorrhoids. They …
Health topics
… serious problems, including not being able to have a baby (infertility). Syphilis can cause problems with pregnancy, … long-term problems, such as not being able to have a baby (infertility). If you know that you have an STI, you can get … serious problems, including pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. A pregnant person also can pass the infection …
Health topics
… tear duct? Tears normally drain from the eye through small tubes called tear ducts , which stretch from the eye into … tear duct? Tears normally drain from the eye through small tubes called tear ducts , which stretch from the eye into …
Health topics
… are usually removed 1 to 2 days later. If a drainage tube has been placed (usually behind the ear), it will also … embolism ). This is not common. As with all cosmetic procedures, there is also the risk that the results will not … are usually removed 1 to 2 days later. If a drainage tube has been placed (usually behind the ear), it will also …
Health topics
… Test small objects by passing them through a toilet-paper tube. If small objects fit inside, they could become lodged … Test small objects by passing them through a toilet-paper tube. If small objects fit inside, they could become lodged …
… can interfere with the uric acid in the blood sample tubes when the tubes remain at room temperature, leading to falsely low … uric acid results. Laboratory personnel must follow special procedures to process the blood sample. Overdose If someone …
Health topics
… medicine (TCM) for problems such as asthma, allergies, and infertility. TCM doctors may use several therapies to … medicine (TCM) for problems such as asthma, allergies, and infertility. TCM doctors may use several therapies to …
Health topics
… the heart, stomach, intestines, or brain and spine ( neural tube defect ). A blood test (alpha-fetoprotein test) may be … trimester that looks for both genetic conditions and neural tube defects. This test is called amniocentesis . It's … During the test, your doctor may: Put a thin, flexible tube called a catheter through your vagina and cervix into …
Health topics
… the neck to the windpipe (trachea). The surgeon then puts a tube into the opening to let air in. A valve keeps the opening of the tube closed during the day, which allows you to speak and … until it's safe to go home. In some cases, the trach tube can be removed before you go home. But in many cases, …