1118 results found
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… #68d) Pregnancy and folic acid (folate): Preventing neural tube defects (HealthLinkBC File #38c) Gestational diabetes …
Health topics
… have urinary retention problems, your doctor may: Place a tube (catheter) into your bladder to prevent too much urine … have urinary retention problems, your doctor may: Place a tube (catheter) into your bladder to prevent too much urine …
HealthLinkBC files
… eventually becomes confined to bed and must be fed by a tube. Is vCJD related to CJD? CJD and vCJD are not the same …
Health topics
… to get nutrients another way. This can be done through a tube placed into your stomach or through intravenous (IV) … to get nutrients another way. This can be done through a tube placed into your stomach or through intravenous (IV) …
Health topics
… of your joint by inserting a tiny camera attached to a thin tube. The doctor may be able to repair the tear at the same … of your joint by inserting a tiny camera attached to a thin tube. The doctor may be able to repair the tear at the same …
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