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Health topics
… who have been through menopause. If you have questions about your breast density or other concerns, get a copy of your mammogram report. Then talk to your doctor about it. Why is it important to know about your breast density? The more dense a breast is, the …
Health topics
… more severe your condition is, the more often you'll need testing. This might range from once a week to daily. How is … and health. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can … and health. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor about stop-smoking programs and medicines. These can …
Health topics
… Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About Treatment Overview When you get … animal dander for allergy shots. You must first have skin testing to find out which allergen you are allergic to. Your … gradually receive more of the allergen in the shots. After about 4 to 6 months of weekly shots, you are usually getting …
Health topics
… or belly. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your past health, symptoms, and work and physical … Examinations and Tests Your doctor will first ask you about your past health, your symptoms, and your work and … the most. Exercise. Ask your doctor or a physiotherapist about what kinds of exercises you can do to stretch and …
Health topics
… newborn. It may help you to learn as much as you can about your child's treatment and to talk to your doctor and … the heart is pumping. Having your child go through this testing can be very scary. Don't be afraid to ask as many … her baby may develop a heart defect. If you're concerned about having a baby with a congenital heart defect, you can …
Health topics
… or other treatment? Fill in the following information about the treatment your health professional recommends for … What home treatment can I do? Ask the following questions about what you can do to help treat your condition. What do … to add (for example, using a humidifier)? I have concerns about being able to carry out my part of the treatment. Yes …
Health topics
… . Check with your school or province about which of these tasks require signed consent, a mutual … glucagon (if it's in the care plan), and supplies for testing for ketones. And you need to teach the staff how to … dates of supplies your child has at school. Be specific about which tasks your child can do on their own and which …
Health topics
… what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Arthritis: Should I Have Knee Replacement … have a harder time returning to your normal activities. FAQs What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a problem … have a harder time returning to your normal activities. FAQs What is osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a problem …
Health topics
… symptoms.  How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and any recent travel. The doctor may … this illness. Symptoms usually go away on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel … indoors around sleeping areas. The most current information about chikungunya fever is available from the Government of …
Health topics
… gene changes aren't common. Your doctor may talk to you about testing based on your family medical history or your … see a genetic counsellor. Counselling will help you decide about genetic testing. Both testing and counselling are …