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2591 results found
Health topics
… is a type of sugar produced in your body when carbohydrates and other foods are digested. It provides energy to … sugar can harm many parts of the body , such as your eyes, heart, blood vessels, nerves, and kidneys. It can also … vision. Trouble staying awake or trouble being woken up. Fast, deep breathing. Breath that smells fruity. Belly pain, …
Health topics
… visits include: blood pressure and pulse urine test fetal heart rate measuring your abdomen to check the growth of your baby …
Health topics
… and lasting 60 seconds. Healthcare provider monitors fetal heart rate every 15-30 minutes.  Tips for you and your support …
Health topics
… Back Problem? What Is Your Child's BMI? What Is Your Target Heart Rate? Lifestyle Checkup Tools Are You Depressed? Are You … Back Problem? What Is Your Child's BMI? What Is Your Target Heart Rate? Lifestyle Checkup Tools Are You Depressed? Are …
Health topics
… affects organs throughout the body, including the brain and heart. And even a little water in the lungs can cause … oxygen levels, temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. Non-fatal drowning can injure your … affects organs throughout the body, including the brain and heart. And even a little water in the lungs can cause …
Health topics
… reaction (anaphylaxis) Could you be having symptoms of a heart attack ? If you're having a heart attack, there are … a stuffy nose Would you describe the problem as severe, moderate, or mild ? Severe Severe difficulty breathing Moderate … plan working No Diabetes illness plan not working How fast is it getting out of control? Quickly (over several …
Medical tests
… asked to inhale as deeply as you can and then to exhale as fast and as hard as you can. You also may be asked to … medicine, it may cause you to shake or may increase your heart rate. If you feel any chest pain or discomfort, tell the …
Health topics
… well your body burns energy to keep up basic functions like heartbeat, breathing, and thinking is called your basal metabolic rate . We often just call it "metabolism." Can you change your metabolism? Yes. Whether you're born with a fast, average, or slow metabolism, there are things you can …
Medical tests
… food eaten while drinking, and each person's ability to tolerate alcohol. Effects of drinking alcohol Estimated blood … Other things that affect blood alcohol levels include: How fast you drink. As you increase the number of drinks per … the breakdown of alcohol. Your metabolism. This is how fast your body breaks down the alcohol. Different people …
Health topics
… may include dizziness, shakiness, sweating, weakness, faster heart rate, drowsiness, intense hunger, headache, and looking …