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Health topics
… During meals: Try to eat slowly and gradually. Do not allow yourself to get overwhelmed by the idea of eating a meal. … talking about the food you are eating or thinking about your weight gain worries. Resist the temptation to argue … to relax. Trust that people around you are there to support your recovery to health. Not everyone knows the best way to …
Health topics
… without a clear cause. This infection is serious. Even if your symptoms are mild, you need medical care right away. If … treated? The infection is usually treated with antibiotics. Your doctor may do a procedure called paracentesis (say "pair-uh-sen-TEE-sus") to get a sample of fluid from your belly. The fluid can be tested to help find the cause …
Health topics
… Reach and stay at a healthy weight. Do calf stretches with your toe pointed slightly in. Make sure your body is warmed up (from walking or biking) before fully stretching your Achilles tendon. Avoid strenuous activity that your
Health topics
… you enjoy a "good-health attitude": footnote 1 Focus on your abilities instead of your disabilities. Focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. Break down …
Health topics
… Overview Overview You can work with your doctor to decide whether you want to have your mitral valve repaired or replaced to treat chronic … of the mitral valve. The risks of the procedure or surgery. Your personal feelings are just as important as the medical …
Health topics
… a dry socket? To prevent dry socket, be sure to follow your dentist's instructions, which may include the … Do not smoke or suck through straws. Do not rinse your mouth or disturb the socket area for at least 24 hours. … over the socket as they become soaked with blood. Call your dentist or oral surgeon if it's a few days after your
Health topics
… activity is safe for people with arthritis and can improve: Your overall level of pain Nutrition and strength of your joints and surrounding muscles Joint range of motion … try doing light-intensity physical activity throughout your day, including standing up for a few minutes every …
Health topics
… that help blood clot. If you don't have enough of them, your blood can't clot well. That means it's harder to stop … What causes it? You may have low platelets because your bone marrow doesn't make them. Or your body's defences (immune system) may destroy them. …
Health topics
… Through by-products of normal processes that take place in your body. Examples include burning sugars for energy and … This is especially important if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Complementary Medicine … This is especially important if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Complementary Medicine …
Health topics
… these thoughts with a few simple techniques. Remember that your goal is to feel better with each passing day. Ask … hopeless. Every day make one encouraging statement to yourself. For example, say to yourself, "Every day, I am taking better care of myself and …