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Health topics
… may build up in the bloodstream and cause problems in your brain called encephalopathy. High ammonia levels are a … Confusion and disorientation. Coma. What increases your risk? Encephalopathy is most likely to occur in people … and prevent variceal bleeding may actually increase your risk for encephalopathy. Many things can contribute to …
Health topics
… true. Here are some myths about PTSD. Myth: PTSD is in your head. It does not exist. PTSD does exist. It is a … lived through a traumatic event that caused you to fear for your life, see horrible things, and feel helpless. Strong … scary experience. During this type of event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. You feel that you …
Health topics
… developing dangerous complications, such as pneumonia. Wash your hands often, especially when you are around people with colds or the flu. Avoid touching your nose and eyes if possible. Germs can enter your body through these mucous membranes. Get the flu …
Health topics
… Overview Maybe you started using tobacco to fit in with your friends. Maybe family members smoke or chew. Whatever … And you might set a good example for friends or siblings. Your hair, clothes, and breath will not smell of smoke. Are any of these your reasons? Thinking about why you want to quit is a great …
Health topics
… it is important to find help. You can learn ways to manage your feelings and actions. Use one of the following … done in moments of anger can be harmful and abusive. Check your local phone book or provincial website for resources on getting help in your area. Social service departments . Many social service …
Health topics
… destroy or shrink fibroids. Fibroids are growths on or in your uterus. Sometimes they're called fibroid tumours, but … doctor sends a solution through the catheter. It prevents your fibroids from getting blood. Without blood, the … But sometimes pain can last for a couple of weeks. Your doctor may prescribe pain medicine. Or your doctor may …
HealthLinkBC files
… of breath If the disease gets worse, fluid builds up in your lungs, making it harder to breathe. In North America, … mouse, or by mouse bites. You cannot catch the disease from your domestic pet. In North America, there is no evidence … rodents in and around the home. Keep mice out of your home and learn how to clean up safely. Follow the …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child has severe joint damage from juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), your child's doctors may recommend a total joint … through this decision together, consider the following: Your child's age. Consider how old your child is. His or her …
Health topics
… to you, body fluids from an infected person have to enter your body. The virus can enter your body through broken skin (even tiny cuts you cannot … (ICU). How well or fast you recover depends on how strong your immune system is and the quality of care you get. How …
HealthLinkBC files
… each year. What can I do to prevent foodborne illness? Wash your hands Wash your hands before you eat or handle any food, and after you use the bathroom. Scrub all parts of your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds and rinse them …