6337 results found
Health topics
… and learn you are pregnant, make a treatment plan with your doctor right away. If you are being treated for … and citalopram (Celexa) are not often used during breastfeeding, because they can pass into breast milk in high … during pregnancy have a slightly higher chance of having a baby with birth defects. But not treating depression can …
Health topics
… You do not follow the treatment plan. You have to follow your therapy routine exactly as your doctor orders, to have the best chance of keeping … may fear what effects the medicine will have on the baby. They may not be able to afford the medicine. In most …
Health topics
… intestine doesn't make enough of an enzyme called lactase . Your body needs lactase to break down, or digest, lactose. … Symptoms of lactose intolerance can be mild to severe. Your symptoms may depend on how much lactase your body makes. Symptoms usually start 30 minutes to 2 …
Medical tests
… the end of the first trimester and continuing until the baby is born. Levels of progesterone in a pregnant woman are … for up to 4 weeks before having a progesterone test. Tell your doctor if you have had a test that used a radioactive … radioactive tracer can interfere with the test results. Let your doctor know the first day of your last menstrual …
Health topics
… that infect animals, you cannot catch these from your pet or any other animal.) As a rule, people can spread … fifth disease get a rash or feel sick. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can diagnose fifth disease by doing a physical … headache, or joint pain. If you give medicine to your baby, follow your doctor's advice about what amount to give. …
Medical tests
… caused a fetus to be stillborn. Find out the cause of a baby's birth defects or disability. Help determine the … obtained from karyotyping can have a profound impact on your life, you may want to see a doctor who specializes in … what karyotype test results mean for you, such as your risk for having a child with an inherited (genetic) …
Health topics
… beating unevenly ( palpitations ). How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and past health. You may have an …
Health topics
… tachycardia (SVT) means that from time to time your heart beats very fast for a reason other than exercise, … and lung medicines, or surgery. What are the symptoms? When your heart is beating fast from SVT, you may feel a fluttering in your chest (palpitations) and have a fast pulse. You may …
Medical tests
… is a surgical procedure that lets a doctor look inside your joints. The doctor uses a thin viewing tool called an … and wrist. During arthroscopy , the arthroscope is put into your joint through a small cut (incision) in the skin. The … screen. These magnified images provide a clear picture of your joint. During the procedure, a sample of joint tissue …
Medical tests
… ultrasound may be used to look at blood flow in an unborn baby to check the baby's health. During Doppler ultrasound , … may be asked to drink water right before the test so that your bladder is full. How It Is Done This test is done in an … may be asked to drink water right before the test so that your bladder is full. You may need to take off all or most …