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… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … may have undesirable effects on a nursing infant. Breast-feeding is not recommended while using this drug. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding. Drug Interactions Drug interactions may change how …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … milk. Because of the possible risk to the infant, breast-feeding is not recommended while using this drug and for 7 … days after the last dose. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding. Drug Interactions Drug interactions may change how …
Health topics
… Information Overview Travel can make it hard to keep your blood sugar within your target range because of changes in time zones, meal … meter batteries, test strips, and lancets. You may not find your regular supplies wherever you travel. Double your
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk … can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding, ask your doctor or pharmacist if all the medicines …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk … can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or breastfeeding, ask your doctor or pharmacist if all the medicines …
HealthLinkBC files
… have not worked. If you develop an infection caused by CPO, your doctor will give you specific antibiotics that work for … to prevent CPO from spreading to others in the home: Wash your hands often, especially after going to the bathroom, … my chances of getting infected with CPO? If you are healthy your chances of becoming sick with CPO are low. You may be …
Healthy eating
… is found in many foods and is needed to keep you healthy. Your body uses protein to: Provide building blocks for growth and for repairing cells like those in your muscles, skin, and nails. Make enzymes and hormones, … is recommended above: children and youth pregnant and breastfeeding women some athletes people with certain health …
Health topics
… cardiac arrest? If you have a health problem that raises your risk of cardiac arrest, treatment of that problem may help lower your risk. Medicine often can control the heart rhythm. Your doctor may recommend a device that can detect a …
Health topics
… allergies is a series of allergy shots given to reduce your sensitivity to allergens that cause an allergic … skin. Over time, allergy shots can reduce the severity of your reaction to allergens. To treat allergies to insect … 8 weeks over the next 3 to 5 years. footnote 1 Depending on your situation, your doctor may recommend rush immunotherapy …
Healthy eating
… than this. To decrease the risk of chronic disease, limit your intake to below 2300mg. Planning ahead can help you decrease the amount of sodium in your diet. Use the information in this handout to make lower … smoked salt, and Himalayan salt are high in sodium. Flavour your foods without adding salt: Add extra amounts of garlic, …