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Health topics
… crosses inside the centre of the knee joint. It connects your thigh bone to the bone of your lower leg. The PCL keeps your knee stable when it moves forward or backward. A direct …
Health topics
… but a little behind in another. At routine checkups, your child's doctor will check for milestones. This is to make sure that your child is growing and developing as they should. Your doctor can help you know what milestones to watch for …
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … Surgery? Before Surgery You will have an appointment with your surgeon before your surgery. Take along a list of questions about the …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Laryngoscopy is an examination that lets your doctor look at the back of your throat, your voice box (larynx) , and vocal cords with a scope …
Health topics
… Overview Recovery means finding your path to a meaningful life. It puts you in control of your life and helps you gain self-confidence and respect for yourself. You can use recovery for substance use and mental …
Health topics
… exercises. You can also try techniques that help you relax your jaw muscles. Exercise Try a gentle exercise to restore … improve flexibility, and strengthen the jaw muscles. Your doctor, dentist, or physiotherapist can recommend … additional exercises. Do not do this exercise when your pain is severe or if it makes your pain worse. While …
Health topics
… (LCL). The LCL is a band of tissue on the outside of your knee. It connects your thigh bone to the bone of your lower leg and helps keep the knee from bending outward. …
Health topics
… The next time you are relaxed, take a moment to notice how your body feels. Or think about how you breathe when you … Breathing exercises can help you relax, because they make your body feel like it does when you are already relaxed. … is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this …
Health topics
… progress, you may be able to do some of the exercises on your own. If you are concerned about falling, always have … If you begin to fall, you may use them for support. Put your feet together and your arms to your side. Hold this position for 30 seconds. …
Medical tests
… Test Overview Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look at your airway through a thin viewing device called a bronchoscope. During a bronchoscopy , your doctor will examine your throat, larynx , trachea , and …