6339 results found
Health topics
… But you can take steps to avoid power struggles, give your child a sense of control, and make taking medicines a bit easier for everyone. Avoid power struggles. If your child refuses a medicine, take a moment to pause. Stay calm, take a deep breath, and plan your next steps. Show your child that you're both on the …
Health topics
… Overview An asthma action plan is based on zones defined by your symptoms or your peak flow , or both. It tells you what to do if you have a sudden increase in your asthma symptoms ( asthma attack ). The yellow zone may …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A breast self-examination involves checking your breasts for lumps or changes. Many breast problems are … as biopsies. It is a good idea to become familiar with how your breasts look and feel and to talk to your doctor about any changes. How It Is Done The best time …
HealthLinkBC files
… (or phlegm) is mucus that you cough up from deep inside your lungs. It is usually thick, cloudy and sticky. Sputum is not saliva (spit) as saliva comes from your mouth and is thin, clear and watery. Do not collect … this test. Why should I do a sputum test for TB? Testing your sputum for TB bacteria is the best way to find out if …
Health topics
… You also will follow instructions on how to clean out your colon. This will help your doctor to be able to see inside your colon during the test. Before you schedule When you …
Medical tests
… Overview A ventriculogram is a test that shows images of your heart. The images show how well your heart is pumping. The pictures let your doctor check the health of the lower chambers of your …
Health topics
… Make sure to think about how giving an organ may affect your emotions. If you're thinking about being an organ … will be asked if you understand how it may affect you and your family. You will also be asked if you understand how it may affect your health. And you will be asked if you feel pressured to …
Medical tests
… It Feels Risks Results Test Overview Your esophagus is the tube that connects your throat to your stomach. It moves food and liquid down to the stomach. …
Health topics
… affections, argumentative, and at times even hurtful. As your teen struggles with becoming independent, it is natural for them to detach from you at times. Remember that your teen still needs you. Although your teen may not ever let on, your unconditional love and …
Medical tests
… problems. A clinical breast examination may be part of your regular checkup. Talk with your health professional about how often you need a breast … such as mastitis or a fibroadenoma . How To Prepare Tell your health professional if you: Have a new lump or change …