6339 results found
Health topics
… and diarrhea. Trouble sleeping and feeling anxious. Keeping your attention focused. Symptoms can range from mild to … feel better. How is it diagnosed? To learn what is causing your symptoms, your doctor may: Ask about your symptoms, including when and …
Health topics
… A basic metabolic panel is a blood test that measures your sugar (glucose) level, electrolyte and fluid balance, and kidney function. Most of the time your doctor will order individual blood tests based on your health. Sometimes a panel (or group of tests) may be …
Health topics
… valve may be mechanical or made of animal tissue. You and your doctor can decide before surgery which type of valve is … to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. When the aortic valve does not close properly … be asleep during the surgery. In an open-chest surgery, your doctor will make a cut in the skin over your breastbone …
Medical tests
… Or it may be done to look for blocked blood vessels in your lungs. During an angiogram, the doctor will put a thin, flexible tube into a blood vessel in your groin or arm. This tube is called a catheter. The … you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care …
Health topics
… like a large bandage. The outer part of the patch sticks to your skin, while the inner part presses against your skin and slowly releases nicotine into your skin. Patches may also give you a constant dose of …
Health topics
… satisfaction after a spinal cord injury. You may find that your old methods of finding satisfaction still work. Or maybe they no longer do. Doing sensual exercises with your partner may help you relax and focus more on the … and enjoyable and that gives both of you pleasure. Your level of injury will probably affect what you can do. …
Medical tests
… normal, it may be a sign of a poor diet (malnutrition). Your doctor may use the results of this test to make changes in your diet. He or she also may use the results to see how … fluids are working. Other health problems also may cause your levels to drop. You may need another blood test to be …
Health topics
… can appear 15 to 50 years after you had polio. It affects your muscles and nerves, and it causes you to have weakness, … can help control symptoms and help you stay active. Your symptoms may not get worse for many years. Post-polio … weak. If you had polio, you may have gained back the use of your muscles. But the nerves that connect to the muscles …
Health topics
… from the legs, such as from venous insufficiency . Your veins have one-way valves that keep blood flowing … to pool, leading to these ulcers. Some things can increase your risk of venous skin ulcers. These include: Deep vein … area around the wound also may be more tender and red. Call your doctor when you first notice the signs of a venous skin …
Health topics
… habits, like smoking. Some chronic diseases change your body chemistry. This can help cause depression. … of the two works best. You can try many things to help yourself when you feel depressed. These things may also help … how you feel. Get support from others. Taking good care of yourself is important as you recover from depression. Be …