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Health topics
… Treatment Overview At the end of most pregnancies, the baby's head is near the birth canal (vagina). But sometimes … near the birth canal. This position is called breech. If your baby stays in this breech position, you will probably … babies are healthy and don't have problems after birth. Your doctor may try to turn your baby. To do this, the …
Health topics
… time or another. For some, the symptoms are ongoing. But your symptoms are only a sexual problem if they bother you or cause problems in your relationship. There is no "normal" level of sexual … For example, it's common for an exhausted parent of a baby to have little interest in sex. And it's common for …
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … pregnancy may have a slightly higher chance of having a baby with birth defects. If you are pregnant, you and your
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview A baby starts to become aware through sight, touch, taste, … baby's strength and coordination improve. By age 3 months, your baby can control his or her head movements. Put your baby on his or her tummy during awake periods and …
Health topics
… Overview Overview In the first month, your doctor will pay close attention to your baby's increasing weight, length, and head circumference. …
Medical tests
… is in the plasma part of blood. This test shows how well your diabetes has been managed in the last 2 to 3 months and whether your diabetes treatment plan needs to be changed. This test … Is Done A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from an arm. It can also be done using blood …
Health topics
… Pain during sex. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose trich, your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and your sexual history. You may also have a … types of tests can be used to diagnose trich. Most use a sample of urine or a swab from the cervix or vagina. How is …
Health topics
… genital area. The bumps may become inflamed and turn red as your body fights the virus. People who have a weakened … How is it diagnosed? To diagnose molluscum contagiosum, your doctor will do a physical examination and may take a sample of the bumps for testing. If you have bumps in your
Health topics
… are misuse of medicines or physical restraints and force-feeding. Forced sexual contact. This includes rape, forced … harassment. Other examples are treating the person like a baby, giving the "silent treatment," and not letting the … adult, talk to his or her doctor. You can also talk to your own doctor if you need help knowing what to do. To …
Health topics
… Last updated August 2, 2013 Find out about registering your baby's birth and signing up for various benefits. On this … every baby born in B.C. It creates an official record of your baby's birth and legal name, and identifies you as the …