6333 results found
Health topics
… but a little behind in another. At routine checkups, your child's doctor will check for milestones. This is to make sure that your child is growing and developing as they should. Your … cm (2 in.) each year. Your child will also lose about four baby teeth each year. These are replaced by permanent teeth. …
Health topics
… happens to you. During this type of event, you think that your life or others' lives are in danger. You may feel … about the event, and thinking negative thoughts about yourself and the world. What are the symptoms? After going … even positive ones such as getting married, having a baby, or starting a new job, can cause stress and result in …
Health topics
… Overview Asthma zones are part of your asthma action plan. The zones are defined by your symptoms, your peak flow, or both. Knowing what zone you're in can …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Good posture helps protect your back when you sit, stand, and walk. Good posture means your ears, shoulders, and hips are in a straight line, with your spine in three front-to-back curves that give it an "S" …
Health topics
… a conservative therapy program. Be sure to stay on your exercise program. You may not notice much improvement in your symptoms right away, and recovery can take several months. Problems can come back if you don't keep your strength and flexibility. How do you do exercises for …
Health topics
… decisions in case you can't think clearly during an attack. Your plan can help you stay active and have fewer problems. It may include: Your treatment goals. A list of your asthma medicines and when to take them. How to treat …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Nerves carry messages back and forth from your low back and legs. By testing how well your muscles, reflexes, and sense of feeling are working, your doctor can tell whether there is pressure on a nerve …
Health topics
… You may have several reasons why you find it hard to take your medicines. But figuring out how to handle these challenges can help you take good care of yourself. Here are some challenges and possible solutions. … of the reasons below are challenges you have with taking your medicines. Reasons people may not take asthma medicines …
Health topics
… stress is normal and even needed, too much of it can affect your quality of life and your health. There are simple things you can do to help … have alcohol or caffeine. You also can make some changes in your everyday habits to reduce and relieve stress. Get …
Health topics
… kidney disease? Diabetic kidney disease is damage to your kidneys caused by diabetes. This is sometimes called … kidneys have many tiny blood vessels that filter waste from your blood. High blood sugar from diabetes can destroy these … to have regular urine tests to find kidney damage early. As your kidneys are less able to do their job, you may have …