6335 results found
Health topics
… and a persistent urge to urinate. Having pain in your lower belly or pelvis. People with BPS may go days or … is it diagnosed? To diagnose bladder pain syndrome (BPS), your doctor may do a test called cystoscopy that uses a thin, lighted tube to see the inside of your bladder. He or she may also do a urine test to rule out …
Healthy eating
… Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Introduction Your liver produces bile that helps you digest and absorb … The gallbladder stores this bile and releases it into your intestine when you eat. Particles in the bile, usually … you plan well-balanced, healthy meals and snacks. Unless your doctor gives you different advice, you can follow the …
Health topics
… later. After a traumatic event you may: Have changes in your emotions, such as: Feeling hopeless or that the world … guilt. Feeling too little emotion, or numb. Have changes in your behaviours, such as: Avoiding people or places that … better with time. If you need help to get better, contact your doctor, nurse advice line, or counsellor. If you are …
Health topics
… important to drink enough water? Water keeps every part of your body working properly. It helps your body flush wastes and stay at the right temperature. It … and constipation. You lose water throughout the day—through your breath, sweat, urine, and bowel movements. If you live …
Health topics
… diagnosed using a medical history and physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about when you first noticed your symptoms and whether the symptoms were gradual or … are usually most noticeable when the penis is erect, your doctor will likely ask that you use your cell phone to …
Health topics
… Information What is a calf muscle injury? Your calf muscle is actually two muscles, the gastrocnemius … often caused during sports where you need to push off with your foot quickly for a sudden burst of speed. Examples … injury is only a strain, you may feel a strong pulling in your lower leg. It may be uncomfortable. You may have a …
Health topics
… everyone. Being active can help you stay healthy, control your weight, and get the most out of life. No matter what … Story: Biking for Health Boosting Your Metabolism Breastfeeding: Exercise and Weight Loss Bursitis Cardiac … Story: Biking for Health Boosting Your Metabolism Breastfeeding: Exercise and Weight Loss Bursitis Cardiac …
Health topics
… often put in during separate surgeries on different days. Your doctor will drill small holes in your skull. Then tiny wire electrodes are placed in your brain. You may or may not be awake during the surgery. …
Health topics
… can do is to start eating a heart-healthy diet. Changing your diet can help stop or even reverse heart disease. At … a number of small changes can add up to a big difference in your heart health. To have a heart-healthy diet: Eat more … at a healthy weight by balancing the calories you eat with your physical activity. Eat at least two servings of fish …
Health topics
… hormone slows things down. They: Control the rate at which your body burns calories (your metabolism). This affects whether you gain or lose weight. Can slow down or speed up your heartbeat. Can raise or lower your body temperature. …