6335 results found
Health topics
… happens when too much iron builds up in the body. Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin, the part of your blood that carries oxygen to all of your cells. But when there is too much iron, it can damage …
Health topics
… can help with healthy eating. And trying the methods for yourself at home can help you discover more foods that you … and texture? Use these tips for cooking basics and to find your favourite way to cook. Sauté for fast flavour. slide 1 … food. Does it sizzle immediately? This is a sure sign that your pan is hot and ready. Add your food as a single layer …
Health topics
… you do get them. Try to: Find and avoid triggers that cause your headaches. Tension Headache Triggers Migraine Headache Triggers Carry your medicine with you so you can treat a headache right … Exercise regularly, eat well, and reduce stress. Work with your doctor to find the best treatment for your headaches. …
Health topics
… Overview Doing weight-bearing exercises throughout your life can help you prevent osteoporosis . They help you … strong bones as a young person. And they help you maintain your bone thickness (density) as an adult. But if you stop exercising, your bones will start to thin. Some weight-bearing exercise …
Health topics
… care of their own needs as appropriate. For example, allow your child to work on getting dressed with elastic pants and pull-on shirts. Or encourage your child to brush his or her teeth. Since it takes … efforts rather than outcomes. Avoid criticism and keep your expectations realistic. Independence sometimes can be …
Health topics
… * To figure out 80% of personal best peak flow, multiply your personal best by 0.80. To figure out 50% of personal best peak flow, multiply your personal best by 0.50. If your peak flow is lower than normal, check your asthma …
Health topics
… October 1, 2023 Cardiovascular diseases can increase your chance of heart attack, stroke and even death. Up to … regular exercise is safe and can improve: The health of your heart and blood vessels Physical fitness and function Quality of life Depression, tiredness and even how your brain functions Experts recommend trying to get up to a …
Health features
… are most common in the summer and fall months. To protect yourself and your family against enteroviruses such as EV-D68, make sure to: Wash your hands. For more information on hand washing, see …
Health topics
… some ideas that can help you get active. First, check with your doctor. Talk with your doctor about how and when to exercise. You may need to … if you choose something you like and that fits easily into your daily schedule. Any type of physical activity may be …
Health topics
… Overview Medicine helps you breathe easier and keeps your asthma under control. Daily controller medicines help … before they happen. They also reduce inflammation in your lungs. Quick-relief medicines are used when you can't … in asthma medicine go just to the site of the problem—your lungs. This is different than the kind of steroid …