6336 results found
Medical tests
… uric acid test measures the amount of uric acid in a blood sample. Uric acid is produced from the natural breakdown of your body's cells and from the foods you eat. Most of the … there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done A health …
Medical tests
… in the blood and fluid levels in the body, which affects your blood pressure. A renin test is often done at the same … medicines (especially beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors). Your doctor may have you take other medicines for a few … 1 to 2 hours before your blood is collected. A second blood sample may be collected after you move around for 2 hours. A …
Health topics
… dangerous substances or methods as treatment for your baby who has colic . Potentially dangerous treatments … Methods not proven effective include: Stopping breastfeeding. Sometimes people believe that the mother may not be …
Health topics
… Tooth decay is damage that occurs when germs (bacteria) in your mouth make acids that eat away at a tooth. It can lead … clear, sticky substance called plaque is always forming on your teeth and gums. Plaque contains bacteria that feed on … take steps early to prevent tooth decay. To help prevent baby bottle tooth decay, don't put your baby to bed with a …
Health topics
… at birth. The extra fluid can increase pressure in the baby's brain , causing a brain injury and mental and … hydrocephalus is a head that is larger than normal. You and your doctor may notice it when the baby is born or within … The condition may cause the soft spot ( fontanelle ) on your baby's head to feel firm or bulge out. Also, the areas …
Medical tests
… Other tests may also be used to check the lymph tissue sample, including a culture , genetic tests, or tests to … a microscope for problems. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy. Your doctor inserts a thin needle into a lymph node and removes a sample of cells. Core needle biopsy. Your doctor inserts a needle with a special tip and removes …
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done Urine sodium can be checked in a single urine sample, but it is more often measured in a 24-hour urine … sample is done at home. Timed urine collection You collect your urine for a period of time, such as over 4 or 24 hours. …
Health topics
… On this page: Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call a Doctor … make enough thyroid hormone . This hormone controls the way your body uses energy. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped … During pregnancy, untreated hypothyroidism can harm your baby. But low thyroid levels can be treated with medicine …
Medical tests
… Test Overview A ketone test checks for ketones in your blood or urine. Ketones are substances that are made when the body breaks down fat for energy. Normally, your body gets the energy it needs from carbohydrate in your … A health professional uses a needle to take a blood sample, usually from an arm. Blood test at home Some home …
Health topics
… is the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnancy begins when your egg joins with a sperm (fertilization) and attaches to the lining of your uterus. You may start noticing signs as early as 5 … result. How pregnancy tests are done Pregnancy tests use a sample of your urine or blood to know if you're pregnant. …