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HealthLinkBC files
… to quit smoking. For many people, these include: Improve your health and lower your risk of smoking-caused illness, like heart and lung … any aids, but you’ll have a higher chance of success by using one or more of the methods below: NRT, such as the …
Health topics
… What are the most important things you need to know about your medicines? Make sure you know about each of the … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or … can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or …
Health topics
… level that you can bear. The key to pain control is telling your doctor what your pain feels like and what relieves it for you. How is it … nerves, or organs. A tumour presses on the spinal cord, causing pain in the back, legs, or neck. A tumour causes …
Health topics
… After delivery, you will have a bloody discharge from your vagina. This will turn pink within a week and then … has healed. Use sanitary pads until you stop bleeding. Using pads makes it easier to monitor your bleeding. Do not use tampons until your doctor says …
Health topics
… protect an arm or leg that is affected. Take good care of your skin and nails. You can find more information about … treatment right away. Symptoms include: Feeling as though your clothes, rings, or other jewellery are too tight. A feeling of fullness in your arm or leg. Less flexibility in your wrist, hand, or …
Health topics
… Taking a break from work can be a positive thing for your health. Breaks can include anything from standing up … are some ideas to try. Sprinkle short breaks throughout your day. Take deep breaths. You can try it now. Stop what … as small as shifting from sitting to standing. Or as big as using your lunch break for a long walk or an exercise class. …
Health topics
… Screening for heart attack and stroke risk is a way for your doctor to check your chance of having a problem called atherosclerosis. This … attack, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. You and your doctor can use your risk score to decide if you want to …
Health topics
… Overview Exercise may make you feel better, reduce your joint pain, and make it easier for you to do your daily tasks. A common symptom of osteoarthritis is pain … then try a little exercise. You might also think about using assistive devices, such as splints or braces, for a …
Health topics
… make one or two cuts (incisions) over the broken bone in your hip. The pieces of bone are moved into the right position. They are held in place using metal pins, screws, nails, rods, or plates. The … You won't feel the area of surgery. The choice depends on your doctor, on your overall health, and, to a degree, what …
Health topics
… of stem uses a combination of cement and porous coating.  Your doctor may use regional anesthesia . This means you … during surgery. Which type of anesthesia you get depends on your doctor and on your overall health. Your doctor might … things that put a lot of stress on the joint. Learn more Using Cold and Heat Therapies Why It Is Done A partial hip …