6359 results found
Health topics
… a tube from a bag to an intravenous (IV) catheter and into your vein. When is a blood transfusion needed? You may need … or thrombocytopenia . If you have an illness in which your bone marrow doesn't make enough blood, such as aplastic … have trouble finding blood that can be transfused without causing a reaction. In rare cases, an immune reaction may take …
HealthLinkBC files
… and behavioural development of infants and young children. Lead-based paint is a dangerous source of lead but … on doors, windows, stairs and railings can expose you and your family to health risks. Before you begin renovations, … I test my home? You can check painted surfaces for lead by using a home lead test kit or sending a paint chip sample to …
Health topics
… A headache. Chills. The rash can show up anywhere on your body, such as on your genitals, anus, face, arms, or legs. A rash can have … weeks. Some people don't get symptoms. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and may do a …
Health topics
… to manage these problems. If the side effects bother you, your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change your medicine. Do not suddenly quit taking your medicine. …
Health topics
… time or another. For some, the symptoms are ongoing. But your symptoms are only a sexual problem if they bother you or cause problems in your relationship. There is no "normal" level of sexual … include: Treating any physical causes. This may include: Using hormones, such as estrogen. Taking steps to relieve …
Health topics
… anxiety can also cause the problem. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor can find out if you have an erection problem by asking questions about your health and doing a physical examination. Your doctor … and finding and then stopping medicines that may be causing the problem. How can you prevent erection problems? To …
HealthLinkBC files
… Indoor air quality: Combustion by-products Wildfires and your health (health feature) HealthLinkBC File #30a The … with electric alternatives (for combustion by-products) and using low-VOC products and building materials in your home Biological contaminants: Keep the house clean and …
Health topics
… Psoriatic arthritis causes swelling, stiffness, and pain in your joints, such as in the fingers and toes. Other joints … There is no specific test to diagnose psoriatic arthritis. Your doctor may do a physical examination to look for … are sore or overworked. Ask your doctor or therapist about using braces, splints, or shoe supports to help protect your …
HealthLinkBC files
… connections that are close by Lack of accessible, safe housing and transportation Behavioural factors: Inappropriate … the Staying Independent Checklist (PDF, 1,502 KB) to assess your risk for falls or ask your doctor about falls risk assessment and management. How …
Health topics
… is nephrotic syndrome? Nephrotic syndrome is a sign that your kidneys aren't working right. As a result, you have: … disease). This is the main cause of nephrotic syndrome in children. Doctors don't know what causes minimal change … How is it diagnosed? Doctors diagnose nephrotic syndrome using: Urine tests to measure the amount of protein in your …