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6359 results found
Health topics
… Insulin: Reusing Syringes and Lancets Safely On this page: Overview … do not recommend using them more than once. Talk with your doctor before reusing these items. Some people who have … without letting the needle touch either the flat surface or your fingers. Only the inside of the cover should touch the …
Health topics
… shapes, or purchase sheets of material that you cut to fit your needs. Moleskin is a soft fabric with a thin layer of … you have a doughnut-shaped pad. Place the sticky backing on your skin so that the callus or corn is in the doughnut … rubbing together. Toe caps and toe sleeves , which fit over your toe and protect the sides and tips of the toe. If you …
Health topics
… do routine tasks. Have trouble concentrating or feel like your mind is in a fog. If the problem is mild, you may be the only one who notices any change in your behaviour. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will listen … want you to have tests to see if something else may be causing your problems. How is chemo brain treated? If you're …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Using different types of exercise and activity may be best for arthritis. Talk to your doctor or physiotherapist about which exercises may be … You may need to change or modify activities based on your symptoms. Aerobic activity. It makes your heart and …
Health topics
… require specific gear, and learning about buying gear is your responsibility as you learn the sport or activity. Always use the safety gear recommended for your chosen activity, such as a helmet and knee pads. Learn … don't forget about the sun. Use sunscreens, and consider using: Hats with wide 10 cm (4 in.) brims that cover your
Health topics
… the skin. Why It Is Done Absorbent products may be used if: Your incontinence is not a significant disruption in your life. You are waiting for another treatment for … embarrassment and discomfort of urine leakage. Risks When using absorbent products: The area around the groin may …
Health topics
… which you see computer-produced images. When you move your head, the images on the screen change as they would in … and comfortable place. A counsellor helps you talk about your feelings and thoughts throughout the experience, … and physical distress you feel and learn to handle your thoughts and feelings. Why It Is Done Virtual reality …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or … can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or …
Health topics
… Overview When you use one part of your body in the same way over and over again, it can cause … an overuse injury. Overuse injuries happen when you stress your joints, muscles, or other tissues without allowing them … sports. Doing too much without proper conditioning. Not using the proper form for the activity. Not using proper …
Health topics
… of perceived exertion (RPE) can help you measure how hard your body is working when you exercise. To do this, you monitor yourself as you exercise. For example, you think about how … An RPE is usually used as part of a cardiac rehab program. Your cardiac rehab team will teach you how to use RPE. Then …