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6359 results found
Health topics
… you are pregnant and have vaginal infection symptoms, see your doctor. Do not use non-prescription yeast infection medicine unless you discuss it with your doctor first. Experts recommend that during pregnancy: … cure a yeast infection during pregnancy.) Don't assume that your symptoms are caused by a harmless yeast infection. If …
Health topics
… Most probiotics are like the bacteria that are already in your digestive system. Some probiotics have been used for a … is needed to be sure that probiotics are safe for young children, older adults, and people who have weak immune … If you take a probiotic supplement, be sure to tell your doctor about everything you take, including the …
Health topics
… as you move forward through the divorce process. Educate yourself. Learn how divorce works in your province. Go to to learn more … that covers areas like finances, homes, boundaries, and children. Break down the areas into small steps. Consider …
Health topics
… to urinate. This usually happens because something gets in your way or you aren't able to walk there on your own. Functional incontinence usually occurs because … treat functional incontinence is to urinate on a schedule. Using absorbent pads or underwear, an incontinence clamp or …
Health topics
… can respond to the same home treatment tips: Gently warm up your wrists and fingers before beginning an activity. Fan open your fingers. Stretch your wrists forward and back. Do some … than bending them while riding a bike, knitting, chopping, using a mouse or keyboard, using various tools, and driving. …
Health features
… To find mental health and substance use support services in your area, search the  HealthLinkBC Directory  or contact your  local health authority . Drug-related overdoses and … risk Talking openly with your kids, teenagers, and adult children about drug use and the associated risks can help …
Health topics
… decision weighs the risks and benefits of these medicines. Your doctor can help you decide. Medicines for behaviour … or when the caregiver is unable to deal with the situation using other means. Antipsychotic medicines Antipsychotic … antidepressant medicines and the risk of suicide. Talk to your doctor about these possible side effects and the …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or … can be dangerous. Harm during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or …
Health topics
… not include all the information you will need to care for your family member. Your doctor may have other suggestions to add to your plan. Establish a simple daily routine. Set regular …
Health topics
… clean and safe The following tips can help you keep your contacts clean and safe, which will help keep your eyes healthy and your vision as clear as possible. Carefully follow the …