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6359 results found
Healthy eating
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Have you ever stood in front of your refrigerator or kitchen cupboard and wondered what you … is recommended. They may also be lower in the nutrients your body needs. Benefits of meal planning Meal planning is … meals and snacks. You can try the one provided. Or, try using an erasable board in your kitchen or pantry, an Excel …
Medical tests
… Results Each lab has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The normal range is just a guide. Your doctor will also look at your results based on your
Health topics
… A heart failure action plan gives you an easy way to check your symptoms and see changes. The plan also tells you when you need to get help. Your doctor may give you a plan, or you might create one together. You'll use your plan every day. It takes the guesswork out of knowing …
Health topics
… a yoga session can help prevent injuries. Always tell your doctor if you are using an alternative therapy or if you are thinking about combining an alternative therapy with your conventional medical treatment. It may not be safe to …
Health topics
… without over-tightening the tendon. Surgery may be done using arthroscopy , traditional open surgery, or a … You may not be able to keep doing the activity that caused your tennis elbow. Or you may have to make some changes to … you do that activity from now on. Why It Is Done You and your doctor may consider surgery if: You still have elbow …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Cryotherapy involves freezing a wart using a very cold substance (usually liquid nitrogen). … nitrogen application usually takes less than a minute. Your doctor may trim the wart with a small knife before … is usually not needed but may be used in some cases. Your doctor applies the liquid nitrogen to the wart using a …
Health topics
… the wound and protect you from another person's blood. Wash your hands well with soap and water, if available. Put on … of fabric, plastic bags, or whatever you have between your hands and the wound. Have the person hold their own … and apply pressure and elevate the injured area. Use your bare hands to apply pressure only as a last resort. …
Medical tests
… The doctor puts a lighted tube through incisions in your belly. This tube is called a scope. Then the doctor … for surgery. Preparing for surgery You may need to empty your colon with an enema or laxative. Your doctor will tell you how to do this. Be sure you have …
Health topics
… typically come on quickly. How severe they are depends on your susceptibility to the toxin, how much contaminated food you ate, how much of the toxin you ingested, and your general health. The condition is typically over in a … hands before and after handling food. Also wash them after using the toilet or changing diapers. Wash fresh fruits and …
Health topics
… pregnancy It can be hard to know if a medicine is safe for your baby. Most medicines are not studied in pregnant women. … as Benadryl) Some over-the-counter cold medicines Talk to your doctor or midwife about any medicines you take. This … a health problem, such as high blood pressure or asthma? Your doctor or midwife will look at the risks. A medicine …